President Trump accused the jury foreperson in the trial of GOP provocateur Roger Stone of “bias” on Thursday, a claim that shows the President’s willingness to intervene in the judicial system on behalf of a political ally and friend.
It doesn’t matter how many ways he’s wrong about it. All the corporate media will play Trumps accusation soundbites, will false balance the story or at the least even if they call him out they will put Trumps false allegations as the headline giving it credence. The conservative media will just run with this as truth and it’s viewers will only hear that side. This will be brought up as ‘proof’ the jury was corrupt by your relatives at easter dinner. This is the media world we’re in now, Trumps made up lies work!
He and his cohort are counting on the base being as ignorant about juries as Dotard is. As long as they can lie about the way trials work, they can maintain the illusion that it was unfair.
At the rate he’s been escalating things since his acquittal, it’s practically inevitable. Hell, he already took one shot across the bow by suspending NY citizens from being able to apply for Global Entry or Pre-Check.
I guess the universal “we” should all have a remedial course in high school Civics 101 put out by quality journalists just so we can understand how full of BS our “president” is.
I say this in all seriousness because this kind of reporting will protect our Judicial institutions.