‘All the Hospitals Are Full’: In Houston, Overwhelmed ICUs Leave COVID-19 Patients Waiting in ERs | Talking Points Memo

I just saw that there are 71,000 new cases of Covid today. That is so unbelievable. We are really in trouble.


This was avoidable and it will kill people. From the get go the name of the game was “flatten” and the reason for that was to avoid swamping hospitals. A plan for that ALL could participate in was made. Stay home if you can. WEAR A FUCKING MASK and stay the fuck apart. Not hard. But Texas’s GOP’ers saw that as a liberal conspiracy and bucked it. It was all about Hurting Trump. A hoax. Now this.

Gov. Abbott deliberately thwarted what was needed to avoid this. He did it for political reason and fealty to Trump. He must be made to know he killed people. He must be made to know that all of Texas knows he did.


Texas. It’s no loss.

Oh, look, people dying because they’re out of ICU beds. If only someone had warned him this would inevitably happen if he freedumbed about masking and gloving and distancing and insisted on reopening. How could he possibly have known? No one could have foreseen it.

As god as my witness, it is just so enraging to see so many motherfuckers who ought to rot in prison for their lethal, willful stupidity and betrayal of the public trust on this murderous scale and know that none of them will because it’s not illegal to be this awful and dumb.


I’m in touch with family in Houston and League City. More family in Fort Worth. This sucks. You hang tough. All the best.


Does the information that Houston is a majority-minority city, and this will certainly impact communities of color harder, change your assessment at all?

Asking for a friend.


This is the criteria for spending eternity in the 9th Ring.

“The traitors in Dante’s ninth circle include traitors to one’s kin, traitors to one’s people, traitors to one’s guests, traitors to one’s liege lord, and traitors to God.”


There hasn’t even been enough testing to determine where the whole of the United States population stands. How can anyone talk about “herd immunity” when no one knows how many have been exposed, how many have been asymptomatic, how many have been sick?


And a plague of stupidity embodied in the majority of its arrogant, braggart, Republican politicians.


Anyone want to wager how many more days it will take to hit the 100,000 a day mark that Dr. Fauci warned us of when, last week? That seemed so hyperbolic at the time. When we were starting to lap up on what, 40,000 or 50,000?


The long-term effects of COVID will not be revealed for years, it will be the “gift” that keeps on giving. It is clear that the impact of the pandemic will extend far into the future and we don’t have any idea how and for how long many people will suffer. We do know why this is happening at the scale it is at now and the Repukes are the reason.


I’m in PA, too. At least our governor is using recommendations from the state health department on steps to take, unlike in Texas and Florida. The curve is down in PA (and NY and NJ), but it’s a big worry, nationwide, when college students return to campus. Really, it’s naive to think they’ll follow requirements/guidelines, whatever. Has anyone done a study on virus transmission via bong hits? We’re about to find out.

If only we could really put this fight on a true wartime footing. I recently found my mother’s ration books from WWII. People had victory gardens to grow their own food. The nation’s productive capacity was fully supporting the effort. Then in the 1950’s we experienced an huge economic boom. We could do it again, if only we had national leadership equal to the task of rallying support and getting it done. Yes, the economy will get disrupted, but we can later grow out of it, into a far better place in terms of energy production, the way we develop, public transportation, and on and on. Sorry, Elon Musk, but individual cars, much less the nascent (albeit likely 200 years in the future) electric car industry, need to go the way of the dodo. You want freedom of travel? Buy yourself a helicopter! Why should we pay for your asphalt roads so you can tool around in your luxury automobile? OK, screed over!

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Texas: Population 25 million human beings.


So how is Dallas doing? You know the virus will take a big bite out of that sprawling metro when it finally hits, probably closer to the election. It’s just a matter of time.

And the TX state GOP doesn’t care. They want it to happen. Just ask them. People must die as a human sacrifice to appease the Second Coming of God’s appetite for the dramatic and headlines. He will rescue them just in the nick of time before Biden imposes socialism on them.

Checking on the Dallas county (a bit over 30K cases) is right behind Harris county (almost 41K cases) in Covid-19 cases at this point according to the Texas DSHS dashboard

OMG, you mean we could end up with more Republicans??? Finally a viable explanation for their idiotic behavior…

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Thought about that, how weird it would be to hit campus and have trepidations about sharing a joint, passing a bowl around, bong rips, etc. Here’s to a distant hope that vape pens (use your own, don’t share!) and edibles drive that vector down.

And let’s not talk about beer pong, beer bongs…or a local drinking game fav called “Sink the Biz”…ewwwww.

Engaging in preparation for the virus conflicts with the message that the virus is going away and it’s time to reopen so the economy can recover. Wishful thinking and blindly following a deluded leader turns out to have some pretty awful consequences. Yet that’s the path that has put us all where we are now - threatened by a terrible unchecked disease and watching our economy tank even further.

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The tweeter in chief said it is totally harmless to 99% of the people who catch it. Has he ever lied to us.


Reliant stadium has not become a field hospital yet? What the hell?

Secondly Texas Medical Board you need to accept FCVS credentialling cause you are going to need a lot more physicians. What the hell.

Stay strong Houston. I miss you.

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