Aileen Cannon Refused To Step Aside Even After Other Judges Urged Her To Do So

There was a lot in what he said but nothing else was as powerful as that line. It’s sickening to think that is “the good ol’ days” that Rethuglicans long for.


Ah. I see, thanks! I have to think, considering Cannon’s paranoid nature, this is going to leave a mark. It’ll be interesting to see how and in what form she lashes out. I think she’s like Trump in that respect.


Thank god

The Supreme Court rejects the challenge to the constitutionality of a federal law that bans the possession of a gun by someone who has been the subject of a domestic violent restraining order.

The court holds that when an individual has been found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another, that individual may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the Second Amendment.

The vote is 8-1. Thomas dissents.


I think you misspelled I lean.


Reclusive billionaire Timothy Mellon gives $50 million to back Trump. Michael Bloomberg gives $20 million to back Biden.

Wouldn’t want that kind of money going to the government to, you know, fix bridges and stuff.

Abusers can’t own guns.


8-1 decision says domestic abusers can be banned from owning guns.Harlan Crow dissented.


That’s ok…it’ll come out the better for it on the other side :smiley:


Speaking of nearly new vehicles being totalled, some years back I was on my way home after my new F150 had been serviced for the first time at about 8000 miles, a driver turned left in front of me. I struck her vehicle and spun into a light pole headon. Fortunately, witnesses saw what happened and how, even that I was under the speed limit. Also fortunately, no one was hurt. But, truck totalled. Insurance gave me another, which I still have. Events like that do get one’s attention!


Yup. If you want bullshit or downplaying of an issue, don’t ask Reggie Jackson or Charles Barkley anything. Both are refreshingly outspoken, blunt, intelligent, and really tell it like it is and was. I think Barkley is from Alabama.


Bingo! They want to gut the ACLU’s business model and ability to influence as well.


But how does Ginni feel about it?


Regarding EVs, I tend to think of the current state of things as an intermediary step to something better later on. The carbon footprint will be far less than gas with better battery tech and conversion of the electricity supply grid to green energy, at least eventually. Like in 50 years or something. Better than sticking with IC vehicles, but it would have been great if we had started this project sooner.

Regarding Cannon, the Judiciary has a process for policing itself with appeals to a higher court. Apparently Cannon hasn’t been horrible enough yet in her handling of the case to reach the point where Smith can get a different venue.


Hiding behind the cheap shower curtain in the shitter?


Her temperament is highly questionable, but her ambition is inexhaustible.


I absolutely hate the sport,

Baseball is a metaphor for the unpredictability of life. You are half napping while watching a slow game on a summer saturday afternoon. Suddenly, with 2 outs, the bases are loaded and the pitching count is 3 balls and 2 strikes, meaning that if the pitcher does not either throw a strike or get the batter to swing and miss, the other team could either tie the game or take the lead. A quiet stadium instantly shifts to thunderous cheers. You suddenly go from boredom to intensity. And one pitch later, the tension may may ramp up, or you might return to your nap!:slight_smile:


Ive seen a couple of news organizations bring him up and mention a few words about his carrier. His great grandfather became super rich and the family stayed rich, is the sum up.

But they for some reason dont bring up other things like how he had in his autobiography, “Black people, in spite of heroic efforts by the ‘Establishment’ to right the wrongs of the past, became even more belligerent and unwilling to pitch in to improve their own situations,”.

Elusive, mysterious billionaire… or old money racist/bigot crackpot.


First I was phonenot pad. Now pad not phone. WTF.


That beats the educational accomplishments of his immigrant wife, who dropped out of college and worked as an escort to get her green card (then lied about getting a degree). Or maybe she got the green card and then worked as an escort - don’t really care. Maybe the real answer to an immigrant’s security is to marry a fake billionaire.


I frequently shock people in my generation by telling them that the last known lynching in the U.S. happened in 1981. I have noticed it doesn’t have the same effect on people born after 1981 - for them 1981 is ancient history.

To live long enough to see most of the things that were miracles (polio vaccines, moon landings) or horrendous disasters (racist violence against human rights, legally sanctioned second classing of women) turned upside down and sideways, taken out of context, and completely misunderstood is not something I ever thought I would experience.


We underestimate Trump at our peril. Appoint McCarthey-esque judges in your own state to shield you from the democratic hordes. Brilliant.