Aileen Cannon Refused To Step Aside Even After Other Judges Urged Her To Do So

Degenerate Leader loves the Community Colleges.


Cannon did lose two law clerks relatively recently. Gotta wonder if they were sources involved in this story.


Ideas on what the judges purpose is in letting this get out? Are they signaling anything to either Smith or Cannon


Oh, to have someone try to overturn Loving v. Virginia. Thomas would tie himself into knots.


I’m just waiting for Thomas to express reservations about Roman civil law, British common law, the Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, and, of course, the Constitution. Oh, and also aspects of the Bible discussing charity, love, and respect for others.


Did she misplace them? She should check the closets at Mar-a-lardo?


Possible, but I think not especially likely. The two who left – one for maternity reasons – did so late last year, so they would not have been around when the case was assigned last spring. Clerks are on the job (roughly) starting in August through the next July. Also, Cannon’s clerks are reportedly the most fanatical around, so I would be surprised if any of them turned on her to report a deeply negative story.


I can get to comments with my phone, but not with my laptop.


Mysterious Northern Arizona White Rural culture baffles anthropologists. Strange cairns are springing up on the forest floor. The scientific community is split with some claiming that they are funerary objects while others are certain that they are tribal territorial markers.


One should be careful about having an EV for the right reason. The manufacture of an EV has a higher carbon footprint than an ICE because of the very high temperatures required for manufacturing the battery. This should be offset by much lower carbon emissions while in use. However, if one is now contemplating a pedestrianized lifestyle because one just didn’t drive the EV much, I have to say that this starts to stray from responsible environmental choices to the kind of atomistic consumerism that refuses to give up SUV ownership despite its devastating environmental impact.

In some sense, the urge to own an EV despite a flawed environmental calculation is perhaps a sign of the generational gap in responses to climate change. Older generations will own and drive EVs without doing proper environmental assessment. Younger generations, having seen their parents spending a significant part of their lives sitting in commuter traffic listening to commercials and inane banter on the radio, will not have the romantic attachment to cars and will be perfectly happy with ride-sharing apps.

At least, that’s what I think on days when I’m feeling uncharacteristically optimistic. Like on the day when Loose Cannon is exposed in the NYT as a clown and a disgrace to the judiciary. So, what are they going to do about it? Judiciary can’t police themselves?


While it’s true that this idea undercuts every policy position the R’s have taken regarding immigration, consider the upside! A renewal of Trump University with a pay-for-diploma plan. One week’s online tuition for a few thousand bucks and you get your AA degree. He’ll make millions with this idea.


Got the day off work. Our kid’s wedding shower is tomorrow. Going to be cleaning and working on party favors/errands all day. Been humid and rainy all week and will be again tomorrow.

Thanks for the comment link @not_so_fluffy

ha ha ha


Sounds like New Testament, hippie stuff. Even though they say they are Christians they focus on Old Testament, Wrath of God stuff.


DId all this earlier and didn’t work.

PuPPy f’ing up my couch.


txlawyer: You have commented that there is nothing complicated about Aileen
Cannon. However, is she really willing to break every judicial norm and permanently destroy her reputation simply out of partisan loyalty, or the wildly improbable chance that Mr. Trump will nominate her for the SC?


This is why felon Trump is desperate to have his conviction x 34 counts overturned.

Simon Rosenberg


We’ve had lots of polling this year suggesting a Trump guilty conviction could weaken his coalition and cost him voters (as it should). We now have 6 national polls showing Biden gaining 2-4 pts since the conviction. Election appears to be changing, getting bluer. More 👇


Simon Rosenberg



Jun 19

Biden gains in new polling: - Fox News 3 pt Biden gain (8 pts since March) - Echelon 4 pt Biden gain - CBS/YouGov 3 pt Biden gain - Morning Consult 2 pt Biden gain - Yahoo/YouGov 2 pt Biden gain - NYT 2 pt Biden gain Election appears to be changing now 1/ Fox News Poll: Three-point shift in Biden-Trump matchup since May | Fox News

Show more


Thank you so much for posting that video of Reggie Jackson. It brought a smile to my lips and a tear to my eye. I’m with Reggie. “You’d have saw me in an oak tree somewhere.” Indeed. I will never be a fan of baseball, I absolutely hate the sport, but the last few days learning so much more about Willie Mays and now this account have given me a grudging respect for the sport. Just don’t ask me to watch it on TV.

Where? And why would you want to? I’ll see myself out.


Unless she’s a total basket case and want to go work for a judge who actually knows what they’re doing.

You forgot Hammurabi’s code.


This is a relief.

From Chris Geidner

Breaking: The Supreme Court, 8-1, upholds the federal ban on possession of a firearm by those with a domestic violence order out against them. Thomas is the lone dissenter.

ETA: reversed the 5th circuit