Aileen Cannon Gifts Trump Bogus Fodder For His Disinfo Campaign

Puppy is an indoor cat. Severely restricts his career as a hit cat/puppy.


I have commented on this before, but Mr. Trump is losing it. By the time the debates roll around (If he actually participates in them…) Mr. Trump will be ‘speaking in tongues’ (Chris Hayes made a similar remark about Mr. Trump’s recent speeches).


I disagree, only the judges from the Federalist Society are the ones having trouble dealing with an ex-president named Trump. I assure you they would not have any problem dealing with any other ex-president. It is pure and unadulterated partisan-induced corruption. And like you can see from Alito and Thomas, shameless about it.,


the prospect of Trump overriding or simply ignoring the constitutional provision that limits a president to serving two terms

The perennial Trump – including now the entire Republican Party – challenge is, “So what are you going to do about it?”

Trump attacking children? What are you gonna do about it? Alito justifying judicial bias? What are you gonna do about it? Johnson ignoring the budget? Congressmen echoing Russian propaganda? Denying vaccines, banning books, overcharging for drugs, polluting the air…?


I hit mute, left the room and closed the door. Guess there are different rules for the elite.


Must be the cafeteria food.


Thanks(?) for that video. I recently watched Twister on TV again. Their CGI was nothing compared to the real thing videoed by drone. I can’t believe the house was left intact -wow!


Rereading the Watergate case over the last few days, it struck me that roughly 40-50 people served jail or prison time for the affair. I’d say at least half of them were sentenced for campaign finance violations, bribery payments, etc., that simply wouldn’t be prosecuted these days because of the neutering of the FEC, as well as SCOTUS striking down numerous anticorruption statutes (including the Honest Services statute so as to get VA governor Bob McDonnell off the hook). Plus one would be hard-put to find a judge like John Sirica, given all the court-packing of Bush and Trump stooges.


What about the outrage also revealed in the dox released by Judge Beryl Howell that a junior aid with one of trump’s political PACs was given a banker’s box of classified which she scanned and digitized, and stored on her laptop?

As we all know, laptops are effectively worthless unless connected to the Internet. And nobody cares about “security.” Particularly at the aptly-named “MAL”.


Maybe we can send Chuck Barris? He was also on the TeeVee. Too bad he’s already dead.


I vote for Unspeakably Stoopid.

I also vote, “Guilty on all counts” for Hair Furor. Sadly, that’s a vote I am ineligible to cast, however, if the State of Ohio sees fit to permit it, I will cast a vote for Biden/Harris in November. (Yeah, the squabble over convention dates and Ohio law is continuing–the reactionaries is our state legislature saw this as an opportunity to wring new concessions out of the Democratic party minority. The Democrats saw it for what it is, and said, “Foock off.” So now, either the National Democratic Committee has to officially nominate Biden ahead of the August convention, or the Democratic Party of Ohio and the National Committe and probably the Biden/Harris campaign have to go to court and get an order to Frank (“Call me asshole”) LaRose to put Biden/Harris on the ballot. What a shit show.)


That’s so quaint.


I used to have a cat that loved to catch cicadas and carry them around as they buzzed in his mouth.
Chimmy was a great cat lived to be eighteen.


Does his turds look like cicadas and make that noise as well? :wink:


I dunno, the question in the TV interview was pretty clear:
“Do you support any restrictions on a person’s right to contraception?”

Maybe it was a misfire, but I think it’s more likely he understood it was contraception, and just instinctively fell back on his “we’ll have a policy in two weeks” mantra without considering the consequences. Then his inner circle freaked out and told him what he’d done, forcing the walk-back in the online post.


Judge Cannon knows exactly what she’s doing. Crooked b1tch that she is.


Exactly! Do you have the time, the money, the anger, the hirelings or volunteers to do something about it? And almost invariably the answer is “no.”

Whereas they, the GQP are noted for their deep pockets, extensive staffs, and psychopathic levels of rage.


Welcome to the future. It’s here. Not looking forward to footage of twisters regularly tearing through New Jersey and Connecticut (We’ve had micro-twisters in our neighborhood 15 miles from Times Square).

In other news, climate change may turn the UK into a rain forest.


I just close the door.


No, but they have an odious funk about them. Like a hairy little Mango in court.