A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1468349
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
Joyce Vance still believes that we shouldn’t trust Judge Aileen Cannon because there is no “Garcia” ruling.
Mitch McConnell was made aware of your most troubling posts, in advance, and did nothing about them!!!
So, apparently, the 11th circuit is tipping its hand by asking a question of both sides, which heretofore hasn’t been breeched:
“Does removal to federal court cover EX-federal officials as well as current federal officials?”
The fact that they’re the first to bring this up, does NOT bode well for Skid-Mark Meadows’ case.
Dream on Screwdy G!
I thought it was a bit of a bust to be honest.
The accounts of the conduct of Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) before she was escorted out of a weekend performance of the “Beetlejuice” musical in Denver are amazing, as is this surveillance video compilation:
It would take Congressional maintenance staff a month to put locks on all the liquor cabinets in member offices.
Just an FYI
this may answer a lot of questions about the moderator of Meet the Press
Trump will sit down with Welker to help kick off ‘Meet the Press’ revamp | The Hill
Guttersnipe is one word, not two. Other than the spelling error, I am in complete agreement with this description. (JK, Castor, luv ya, man!)
Wear it with pride!
On the other, were it to happen, cable news would be writhing in the throws of orgiastic awe at the prospect of the lucre to be had.
I guess Bang Bang Veronica borrowed her dress from her new daughter-in-law.
And it turns out that her boyfriend owns a bar in Aspen (home of Adam Frisch), which hosts Drag events.
Doesn’t this make it seem like the threats are coming from the Biden Crime Family? Alas, the threats are from Trumpers. A better photo would be of MAGAs holding some sweet H B signage.
On the other hand Republicans are stupid enough to select as lead Impeachment Prosecutor a drunken clown who has been suspended from the DC Bar.
…but you’re OUR guttersnipe.
Other than blankly stare into space.