AG Bill Barr To Christian Media: Accept God, Reject ‘Collectivist’ Libs | Talking Points Memo

For Attorney General Bill Barr, the U.S. is beset by problems: non-believers, as well as liberals who believe in a “collectivist agenda.”

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In other words Democracy.


Every time Barr gives a speech like this, he makes it clear that he is in favor of a Christian theocracy over a nation governed by the rule of law. He’s such a dangerous person to have in charge of our justice system, and absolutely perfect for the goals of the Republican party as it tries to push the nation into forcing Christianity onto all of us, regardless of the Constitutional protections against that happening.


Would that be the abhorrent “collectivist agenda” that strives to form a more perfect union and promote the general welfare, one that focuses on what is best for the group rather than every man for himself? What is more collectivist than a religion that demands unquestioned subjugation of the individual to the laws of the church, or a president who demands unquestioned loyalty to himself?


I wonder how many of these “Christians” know that Jesus was killed for being waaaay tooo liberal.


In the face of an existential collective threat like catastrophic climate collapse, not adopting a collectivist agenda is irrational.


In other news, two plus two equals five.


Exactly. Most of them would like to erase from the Bible the passages from Matthew ch.25 quoted by Elizabeth Warren in the debate the other night. If they are even aware of them.


Bill Barr claims theocracy as his ticket to power and control. He is stupid and a criminal.
I am a recovering RC, but did not abandon anything until studying a bit. Jesus Christ was a radical, with a serious “collectivist agenda”. I have yet to meet any church going so called Christian who begins to understand that. Barr and the rest of the religious hypocrites understand religion as a political tool to control others. Don’t forget Barr is associated with Opus Dei - a true crackpot. But he is just using it to claim his rewards in the great white male patriarchy. He’s as sick and nearly as stupid as Trump.


Shill Barr is the latest piece of evidence that there is no God. Because if there were, He would smite that piece of shit with a bolt of lightning, leaving only a grease spot.


Spoken like a true son of Opus Dei. It is easy to forget that many fundamentalist Catholics supported Franco’s fascism in Spain but Barr and his ilk remind us that not all Trumpists are simple grifters, some are fanatics, and worse.

ETA: Barr’s contrast of ‘cultivating internal moral values’ with the demon of ‘collectivism’ reminds me, once again, of the reason Hitler called his version of fascism, “National Socialism” vz “…The people about us are unaware of what is really happening to them. They gaze fascinated at one or two familiar superficialities, such as possessions and income and rank and other outworn conceptions. As long as these are kept intact, they are quite satisfied. But in the meantime they have entered a new relation; a powerful social force has caught them up. They themselves are changed. What are ownership and income to that? Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings!” — Adolf Hitler on the distinction between Communism and Nazism (to Hermann Rauschning, quoted by)




Barr tells us that “religion cultivates internal moral values.” And I agree. In some people, like Barr, it cultivates authoritarianism, hatred, and dishonesty. I guess technically the last two are immoral values, but still, you get the point.

Still not sure whether his religion schtick is a con, or if he has conned himself into believing that lying for Trump, a world-class unrepentant sinner of the first order, is actually moral. In either case, a very dangerous person.


This man is so uneducated to history. Is he actually suggesting that modern journalism standards are more obviously biased and partisan than at previous times in American history? Has he read a newspaper from the late 1700s or 1800s? The idea that the press should be an objective reporter of facts is a fairly modern one and was not an ideal of the founders. The idea that the press has an enormous power to sway society was also well known long before CNN made 24/7 news a thing or social media made stupidity ubiquitous.

Objectively, for all the flaws in modern news coverage, we have access to more detailed and accurate news reporting than any time in our history. Unfortunately it is sometimes choked out by the amount of access to inaccurate and misleading reporting, one source of which is … Christian media.


Fascist muthaf*cker.


Evidently, Barr prefers the reality of fascism to his imaginary bogey of “collectivism”.


Once again Barr should reread and review the U.S. Constitution, specifically with respect the the general welfare:

General Welfare . The concern of the government for the health, peace, morality, and safety of its citizens. Providing for the welfare of the general public is a basic goal of government. The preamble to the U.S. Constitution cites promotion of the general welfare as a primary reason for the creation of the Constitution


I believe that there is some room behind them for their back up singers and dancers.


Quick. Someone tell him that we have a Constitution.


Being slavishly fawned upon by scores of so-called Christians hasn’t cultivated any ‘internal moral values’ in Barr’s boss.