After Winning In Arizona, Election Deniers No Longer See A Problem With The Results

Yep, cry me a damn river if these dipshits think they control this election through being obstinate assholes in red state Texas or whatever. Morons.

ETA: Removed redundant use of “dipshits,” even though it was not especially redundant.


There’s a phenomenon in some online multiplayer games called “trying to win harder”, goes something like this: Suppose the victory conditions for a game are that your team either needs to hold one or more “capture points” for a specific length of time, or eliminate all the opposing players. And when a game is going particularly well for one team, sometimes the red mist descends and the cry “no cap, kill all” goes up. Sometimes a team can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, by abandoning the capture point in order to try (and fail) to get the last opponent. A mathematically guaranteed victory turns into a tie or even a defeat.

Some of those players apparently also follow politics. Or politics follows them; it can be hard to tell, sometimes.


I am old enough and petty enough to remember perfectly launching a long-range Half-Life rocket directly into the head of a long jumpin’ Gordon Freeman avatar. Fuck that guy, 25 years later. Yes, I am that petty.


That would have been about the time that I was doing software testing for a networking company whose selling points included seamless failover between multiple nodes for redundancy.

Our QA test plan included using “real-time latency-sensitive applications” to verify that the failover was smooth.

That translated into playing a lot of Quake III Arena on company time.


You and I are probably way more connected than you might think.


The part of the tech business I happen to work in can be a really small place at times. Makes it a good idea not to piss anyone off if you can avoid it, because you never know who’s going to be on the other end of your next job interview. (Which I am now in the middle of again, because my recent employer decided that I and several hundred of my colleagues were surplus to requirements in one of those headline-worthy layoffs a little while ago. So far, the process is meeting expectations for “slow and annoying”.)


You would probably not be amazed who I could call tomorrow morning. But maybe so.


in 2024 Trump is going to win deep-red counties that have MAGA election officials by margins that far outstrip those of any past election. in some cases the MAGA votes will exceed the number of registered voters. MAGA elections offficials feel justified in manufacturing those huge margins because of their faith that democrats did the same in 2020. there are no Brad Rafensburgers left in the republican party. they’ve all been purged. democrats need to understand this beforehand and have a response plan, not get caught flat footed when they are accused of hypocrisy for now saying that electoral fraud DOES exist, because in 2024 there will indeed be fraud.


After Winning In Arizona, Election Deniers No Longer See A Problem With The Results

… … … … …
Remember, it’ a primary election and it was republicans voting among republicans. There will be plenty of screeching about a rigged election come November. Ruben Gallego (democrat), polls say, has 7 points on Kari Lake.


All, this time Kari Lake screeched, whined, complained and went to court over rigged elections…
Good Lord… Mebbe she was right after all…


“Election deniers” is the wrong moniker. If the results of an election only count when you win, then you’ve rejected the very concept of a free and fair election. Call them enemies of elections.


Even that’s not quite right. After all, North Korea has elections.

Turns out they’re fine with elections, so long as the elections deliver the “right” result. It’s only when those damned voters don’t follow the script, when they act like they’ve got a voice or something in how this all works, that’s the problem.

They’re not enemies of elections. They’re enemies of free and independent voters.

They’re enemies of us.


Izzat standing rigging, or running rigging?

One possible outcome is that the whole mess goes to SCOTUS who awards the election to TIFBG with no review of the evidence.

Another possible outcome is that it drags on so long that Harris concedes just to bring the chaos to an end (a la Gore/Bush).

Final proposed possible outcome is that the Right doesn’t care what happens with their election denying - their Lord and Savior has said, after this election, we won’t have to vote anymore. This would, in their eyes, be the final nail in the coffin of election legitimacy in the US.


Harris wins by such a margin that the arguments have no basis and Harris is inaugurated in a locked-down, secure location on 20 January 2025.


That goes without saying.


Ready…here’s their new play to try to bring white women back into the fold who they lost as a result of Dobbs…

Janie Johnson - America is Exceptional



‘F— the White women’: Black activists tied to VP Harris could derail Dem ‘unity’ message with past rhetoric: A pair of Black female activists tied to VP Harris could alienate voters with their past rhetoric as they try to help her get elected in…

And it’ll be held on the same apparatus, using the same procedures, overseen by the same people, that they’re all just fiiiine with right now.

See previous post. They don’t object to elections, they object to voters who don’t vote for them.



Both I bet’cha.

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I’ll take the other side of that bet at any odds you care to name. She’s made of sterner stuff than that.


Just a proposal as to tex’s question, what do they think is going to happen. Not a prognostication anywhere close to factual.

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