Originally published at: After Winning In Arizona, Election Deniers No Longer See A Problem With The Results - TPM – Talking Points Memo
One of the predictable, yet striking, aspects of the right’s periodic embrace of election denialism is that those who espouse it only see problems when they lose. That dynamic played out again this week. Election deniers such as former gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and former secretary of state candidate Mark Finchem won big in Arizona’s…
Frist of all …
If they lose, we
may wellwill see the election denial machine kick into gear again, with dangerous conspiracy theories that only serve to weaken trust in the system.
… a slight correction.
The good news is that even if they win the general they will not be in charge of the 2024 elections. All votes will be counted in Maricopa County by an honest broker.
Trump is the same way. Does anyone else remember when he won over Hillary that he seemed just as shocked as everyone else?
Then when he lost to Biden, he raised a big fuss.
Authoritarian fascists only recognize elections they win. No result to the contrary is legitimate to them. These scum don’t believe in democracy, freedom, and fair elections. All that matters is power.
For people like this, true believers in their cause based at some level in religion, the only correct answer is that they win. God is on their side, so anything that gets in their way is the work of the Devil. It’s not a surprise that they think every victory is an affirmation of the righteousness of their cause, as they aren’t interested in democracy and fair elections, only in ruling and enforcing their will onto the rest of us.
The damage being done to the system by these people is going to be a big problem, and will continue until they lose enough elections that they are forced to change, or at least go away. People have to vote for freedom, and keep doing it, until they are driven out of power. We can’t survive as a democracy if a large fraction of people don’t believe in it and want to replace it with their own dictatorship.
One of the predictable, yet striking, aspects of the right’s periodic embrace of election denialism is that those who espouse it only see problems when they lose.
Well, not exactly. Even when they win, they often complain that they really won by much biglier margins than the fake election results show.
In AZ we vote in primsries only eithin a party Kari Lake won among republicans only. She will lose against Ruben Gsllego who leads her at near 7 points in recent polls on 538.
Earlier this week, Rachel Maddow was promoting the theory that all these election-denying elections officials were going to fuck things up come November by refusing to certify their votes. Okay, maybe they’ll try that, but what would the outcome of that be? Are they really going to refuse to certify the vote in deep red territories that trump and everyone else downballot of him need to win if they’re going to ascend to office?
Hood County lunatics famously forced their elections administrator to resign because they figured 81% of the 2020 vote for trump just wasn’t enough. Okay, fine, withhold Hood County’s votes come November. Nobody on our side of the aisle is going to sue to make you turn them in.
As always, they know they can’t win honestly, so they cheat or cry “fraud at the polls!” It is curious that they don’t kick when they actually win an election. It is a puzzlement.
Yes, because the goal is to keep the State from being certified. They want it to come down to the House. There are more GQP delegations, TFG wins.
And in which states do you reckon that would succeed, notwithstanding that all the other Republican candidates on the ballot would very much like to have their elections certified?
These morons have not thought things through.
They’ll bitch and moan that they should of won by a higher percentage.
They’re not in Alabama Crimson Tide tier, but can we call them Deacon Blues?
In 2016 trump lost to Hillary by almost three million votes. In 2020 he lost to Joe by over seven million votes. Ten plus million votes in his only two elections. What a loser.
ETA. OT. Who on this year’s White Sox will be the Marv Throneberry doppelgänger.
Gaslighting as well as the big lie are important strategies in the fascist playbook but, yes, it seems very likely that many of these people really could be suffering from arrested development: nominally adults but psychologically and emotionally juvenile (or even younger), acting out some heroic fantasy in which they are protagonists.
“Nobody is a villain in their own story.” ― George R.R. Martin
EXACTLY – this is why they have “accepted” their victory, because Republican voters are fair and honest. They usually only blame losing on unfair elections when defeated by non-GOP voters cheating for a non-GOP candidate.
Did NONE of the experts that talked to TPM say this???
MAGAt KKKult: “It’s only democracy when we win.”
Assholes in every other sphere can often be nice as pie when their perpetual sense of entitlement is satisfied. Politics are no different.
Also, Billy-Bob and Clem sure aren’t going to like the idea that their votes aren’t getting certified, and all those big-city librul votes are.