A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. ‘Buckle Up’ We’ve entered the mean season for the dark arts: foreign influence, computer hacks, and disinformation. The question is whether we’re any better prepared to withstand them than we were in 2016. The outlook…
“July 9 : In a briefing with reporters, U.S. intel officials declare Russia the “preeminent threat” to U.S. election security in 2024 and characterize Iran as a “chaos agent” without a specific preference in this election.”
At least the Russians aren’t storming the Capitol. If we knew they were coming we’d have to throw around a few bicycle rack barricades and put up some “No Gallows Here” signs. At least the National Guard and military could watch it all on CCTV while people dithered as to what to do about it.
OT: Who’dda thunk the offspring of elite families needed the protections afforded to more generally recognized ethnic minorities?
It sounds almost MAGA:
Well, that’s a group that has, traditionally suffered occasional programs pogroms, and such. Consider the French Revolution of the late 18th Century… they were all but wiped out in France. I mean, if you can’t feel sympathy for the landed gentry… then I’m forced to ask: What? Are you a freaking COMMUNIST?
OT: The Swiftboating of Walz continues over at Daily Beast:
Note that the “ex-battalion leader” actually only started after Walz had been retired for a number of months. Headline makes it sound like Walz worked under him. Because, of course.
Wonder how much $$$ this guy got for this stupidly misleading contribution…