The Trump administration is reportedly planning to launch an office at the State Department similar to the National Security Council’s pandemic response office that it disbanded in 2018 amid surging coronavirus cases in several cities.
Better tell who ever is hired to be a part of this too little too late operation to not unpack. Once Trump is gone you may need to move in a hurry.
Now I wonder who they will get to staff the Pandemic Response Office? How many more Evangelical, anti-abortion,and anti-science folks do they still have sitting in their dugout?
And Kayleigh McEnany is busy developing the series of lies about how this is not an admission, or even recognition, that they fucked up in disbanding the NSC’s Directorate for Global Health and Security and Biodefense.
And how this is absolutely, positively not an acknowledgement that the black guy had a good plan in place.
Hey wasn’t there something about they could always get them back into the administration if the need arose?
Clowns to left of me, jokers to the right…and no one knows where their contact info went.
That was my first thought, will be A-OK because it will have Turnip’s name. Of course that Niclang will have nothing to do with it so the Despicable Ones will also approve.
As dumb as all of this diversionary horseshit is from the outside, I am imagining the discussions on the inside to be not only dumber, but more callous, cruel and ignorant than a group of klansmen discussing the possibility of changing their brand.