Add Fentanyl-Laced Mail-In Ballots To The List Of Threats Election Officials Must Guard Against In The Fall

I’m sorry but I don’t think drug dealers are going to waste their drugs on people who will not be coming back for more. This reeks of an urban myth like razor blades in candy at Halloween, where there has never been a provable case.


I suppose there are folks that think this shit is Making America Great Again. Hate to tell these folks that a “mask mandate” is also gong to be needed. Fentanyl in power form can be inhaled if it is dispersed in opening letters. You’d not be able to get the narcan out fast enough in such a case.


Nanny nanny boo boo Alex
There are consequences to lies. Alex

Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars


Real men get heat strokes…
Eleven Trump rally attendees sent to hospital due to Arizona heat (


“Hosed down”
…and don’t forget the sheep dip!


The one good thing would be that any mail-in ballot would contain significant voter identification information. That ought to help the FBI to nail those criminals.

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No. Just people in the County Clerk’s office.

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The hysteria about fentanyl exposure to the skin, unfortunately, has been propagated by police agencies. The first apocryphal stories (most likely hysterical or panic reactions) led to police agencies clamoring to get Narcan. The vendors were glad that the hysteria continued and made millions of dollars, I am sure. The government handed out grants like candy for it. Law enforcement, of course, was at the ready to say they were trying to save private citizens’ lives as well. But I can guarantee you, they were more concerned about themselves than anyone else. And they believed the horseshit, and they still believe it. If it had never been an issue for their own safety, a lot of them would have balked and said it was someone else’s duty to deliver Narcan.


Wow! this is a conundrum… Fentanyl laced envelopes is a crime that requires police, but police seem to be the only individuals who are negatively effected by coming into close proximity to fentanyl. As the above article points out "fentanyl overdose is not possible by touch ", The DEA warns police officers in their memo ( : “Fentanyl can kill you,” Riley said. “Fentanyl is being sold as heroin in virtually every corner of our
country. It’s produced clandestinely in Mexico, and (also) comes directly from China. It is 40 to 50
times stronger than street-level heroin. A very small amount ingested, or absorbed through your skin,
can kill you.”
Two Atlantic County, NJ detectives were recently exposed to a very small amount of fentanyl, and
appeared on the video.
Said one detective: “I thought that was it. I thought I was dying. It felt like my body was shutting


I don’t know that. Apartment living…

Oh the innocence of - our - youth.

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Back when anthrax was the big issue, I got a letter from a potential consultant for my company, just a form letter touting their services. It had a funny powder in it but I didn’t think much about it for a couple of days–just left it on my desk. Then I thought I’d better turn it in, so I called the fire station and asked how I could do that. They said we’ll get back to you.

I went about my business (I worked from home). Then my dog started barking so I went to see why. Outside my house was a GIGANTIC Hazmat truck–bigger than a large moving van. A guy in full Hazmat gear came to the door. I brought the envelope. He said: “drop the envelope and step away from it NOW” . He reached in with a kind of forceps thing and took it to the truck.

By this time the neighbors were all agog, but the Hazmat folks wouldn’t let them come ask me what was going on. Finally the Hazmat guy came back, without gear. The stuff in the envelope was–crushed Pepto Bismol tablets. The “come on” from the consultant (which I hadn’t noticed in the letter) was “we can ease your indigestion in dealing with these things.” And they included several Pepto Bismol tablets to help also with indigestion. These did not survive the PO in tablet form.

I presume someone told the consultant to stop DOING that, but I never heard; far as I know the company didn’t hire them.

Please DON’T share this with anyone who might think this is a cool thing to include with a mail-in ballot. Of course, the tablets probably WOULD have survived as a solid had it been a ballot put in a drop box–no crushing arising from the postal routine.


I wonder if they vote first,

Dammit. I’m thinking this is ‘hatched’ by the same people that thought killing people with anthrax soaked mail was a good idea. I am truly sick of evil, sick, ‘low IQ’ morons.

You mean “get hosed down”?

Potato, potahto.

Today I saw a posting at my HMO warning medical staff to wear gloves when they open mail and be on
the lookout for suspicious mailings. We can thank Republicans for encouraging their people to do
terrible things to non- Maga people.

During the days of anthrax after 9/11, employees in the court house were calling hazmat every day for a
few weeks. Someone spotted white granules on a door knob. It turned out that someone was eating
a donut and sugar on his or her fingers and opened the door.

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Fentanyl is not a contact poison. That’s a fantasy of bad cops.

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This x1000.

TPM is usually very on top of shooting down these absurd “talking points” with actual facts. You can’t OD from touching fentanyl powder, all the videos you see of police officers passing out during traffic stops are 100% psychosomatic symptoms.

You can’t overdose on fentanyl by touching a doorknob or dollar bill. The one case in which fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin is with a special doctor-prescribed fentanyl skin patch, and even then, it takes hours of exposure.


Well then it was a waste, because fentanyl doesn’t work that way. You don’t od just bring in the same room or even touching it.