Add Fentanyl-Laced Mail-In Ballots To The List Of Threats Election Officials Must Guard Against In The Fall

My vote is for anyone caught mailing a possibly deadly substance to election workers should first be charged with every Federal Voting Rights violation that could possibly be found, and then charged with attempted felony murder. If we’re lucky, someone like that would get 20+ years, to be served at Supermax facility.


And fentanyl isn’t even the most dangerous drug out there now. Look into nitazine and wonder where the hell we went wrong. Users are actively seeking out fentanyl and 1st responders are routinely giving 2 or more narcan doses prior to ems arrival. Nitazine, a relatively new on the scene but very old disavowed drug is finding it way into street drug samples of opiates. And narcan may be limited in effectiveness.

eta: Nitazines estimated to be 20x more potent that fentanyl.

Shorter Nitazines

Longer Nitazines


Photo reminds me of Rebel, a Malinois formerly attatched to a police dept as a sniffer, who came to our hospital security dept. Rebel never saw a purse he didn’t need to investigate, often jumping over the counter in nursing stations. So determined was he that, eventually, he had to go back to being a police officer as he frightened too many nurses.


Remember all those cops a few years back, working themselves into panic attacks about possible field exposure to fentanyl? Same thing here.


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Panic gripped the nation’s prison guards on Thursday as they reacted to the prospect of body-searching Steve Bannon.

The thought of interacting with the naked Bannon had many in the guard community rethinking their careers, insiders confirmed.

“I’ve been living in fear of this day,” Frank Klugian, a veteran correctional officer, said. “I knew it was bad news the minute I heard Mrs. Alito was flying her flag upside down again.”

Harland Dorrinson, the warden of the penitentiary that will be receiving Bannon, said that “every protection” will be provided those carrying out the procedure, “Including, obviously, hazmat suits.”


I presume that one of the good things about Bannon going to prison is he will be forced to bathe? He must stink as much as the Orange Man.


You mean “get hosed down”?


Honestly, what kind of moron returns a ballot, that has his or her name on it, poisoned? If they’re lucky, the poison doesn’t get caught until after the security envelope is removed, but what kind of moron takes that kind of risk?


You cannot overdose on Fentanyl from touching it. That is a terrible myth that has spread amongst panic-driven drug hysteria. You also cannot overdose from it by breathing in second hand smoke or inhaling airborne powder. Please stop spreading this misinformation even unintentionally, TPM.

That being said: All workplaces should have Narcan! It is a great idea. And election workers should absolutely worry about mail that has white powdery substance in it. While fentanyl exposure isn’t actually a concern, there are certainly examples of anthrax, ricin, and more to pull from that show when right wing nutjobs are out to disrupt things, yeah, we have to take it seriously, unfortunately.

So yes, the threat to election workers is real. The threat from fentanyl in envelopes is not.


It seems like Biden’s campaign can be pretty simple. Do you want to be surrounded by and coping with hate for the next 4 years or beyond, or are you just tired of it?


This is why we can’t have nice SHaT… or a lest one of innumerable reasons: When voting is at you own peril.

yeah unless the ballot workers are cops, fentanyl won’t affect them at all.


Added. This will not deter me from volunteering as an election worker, my first time.


I’ve been living and voting in Eugene, Oregon, the county seat of Lane County, since 1969. I am proud of our elections administration despite not always liking the results. The elections are fair and well run.

I also canvass for progressive candidates, most recently in the May non-partisan elections. Nearly everyone I meet at their door is decent to me, a stranger come to get out their vote.

Because of how canvassing works these days, those folks are usually on my side to begin with. Sometimes they’re not, though, yet open hostility or rudeness are quite rare. I hope these threatened officials can retain their sense of serving the public good and will continue to serve us.


One hopes the Postal Inspection Service is also on the case, because Postal Inspectors do not fool around.


Maybe the Narcan supplies are for the dogs not the poll workers.


One word that is missing from this piece is Terrorism

That is a RW feature these days. If I can’t get my way then I’ll make you fear me. The threats doxxing and countless other crap these cowards do.

No I don’t know that right wing assholes are behind this but who else has been going after elections and election workers? What is the saying? I can’t prove it, I just know its true.
How many times do we have to hear stop the steal followed shortly by, false flag, BLM, ANTIFA, to just know its true? I bet Soros just burns his mail.


Winner. Well said.
Something something “army of 12 monkies”…


More than air travel changed in 2001. People must routinely have handbags and purses inspected before entering museums, arenas and other public buildings. Those are the lucky ones. Others must empty their pockets and go through metal detectors to enter office buildings or government facilities. Some venues even make patrons lock backpacks and large purses in lockers outside the facilities. Photography in public places is often viewed suspiciously too. People don’t want to be included in photos even incidentally for fear of what may be done with their images. There is just far less trust and friendliness in general among strangers these days. It’s very sad.

We have yet to see what far-reaching changes will follow in the wake of the 2020 elections. I never expected to live in a dystopian society, but we seem to be heading there quick and in a hurry.


Do kids go trick or treating any more? It’s been several years since I’ve seen kids at my door on Halloween. It seems to me that parents take kids to the houses of people they know these days rather than letting them loose in the neighborhood for an hour or so. Sad.