Abortion Ballot Measure Group Sues DeSantis Health Official For ‘Unconstitutional Censorship Of Political Speech’

Originally published at: Abortion Ballot Measure Group Sues DeSantis Health Official For ‘Unconstitutional Censorship Of Political Speech’

Floridians Protecting Freedom, the group behind the Amendment 4 ballot measure going before voters next month, filed a lawsuit Wednesday morning against Florida officials, alleging officials are engaged in a “campaign to attack Amendment 4 using public resources and government authority.” The lawsuit is a direct response to the cease-and-desist letters Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’…

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They never fail to show what creeps they are.


Hope publicity helps goose the vote in Florida. Really wonder what bubbles these government officials live in that they don’t understand they are literally the bad guys.


Another Mark Elias lawsuit.

It was telling last night when Ted Cruz got asked directly three separate times whether he supported abortion ban exceptions for rape and incest, and all he came up with was that it was up to the states. They know abortion rights is killing them.


The Republican Party, the so-called party of freedom, is fake, just like its leader and his minions. It is a fraud.


The inmates have taken over the asylum.


And, somebody left the zoo door open!


Did any of those TV stations actually stop airing the ads, even temporarily?


I remember when “let the people decide” was all the rage in the GOP. Everyone does as that was quite recent. DeSantis believes in that as long as the people decide as he wishes.

Think about it. A referendum is democracy in its purest form. It is real Demo ( people ) cracy ( rule). No freedom loving person would stand up against that. So what does that say about DeSantis? What we always knew about him.


DeSantis is like a little, petty Lord Farquard from Shrek in spotless shrimp boots. Although I pronounce it and spell it slightly differently that “Farquard”.


I feel bad for all the sane Floridians about to discover how difficult that 60% threshold is to overcome. That’s why we rejected it in Ohio when the cheating lying Columbus Rethugs tried to foist it on us in an August special election they swore they wouldn’t do anymore of.


In addition to being a jerk, it is easy to see DeSantis maneuvering to be the heir to Trump, if Donald fails in the general (and the insurrection that follows.)


There’s no need for a referendum folks in power agree with. They’ll do it without public pressure. Referenda are aimed at putting the will of the people over the will of those that govern them. “those that govern” that set the rules for referenda. So 60% is what you get. It’s a government middle finger or fuck you.


He and Vance will have a battle royale of backstabbing and cat scratching. Even Kevin McCarthy may be impressed.


It’s pretty stunning the actions they are taking to defeat the Amendment, that are so clearly unConstitutional.

DeSantis isn’t that stupid, but clearly he couldn’t care less. He’s so desperate to be a despot, and all he really demonstrates is what a two bit punk loser he is.

I can’t fathom why people tolerate little shits like DeSantis, from what I’ve seen of him he’s not charming or fun or anything, he’s just a short asshole.


Anyone know if the TV stations have stopped showing the ads? If so, even if what DeSantis did is found illegal, the damage has been done.


When I read the article I thought, DeSantis is a Christian Nationalist who puts himself above everyone. I also thought, what he is having his administration do is unconstitutional. I haven’t changed my mind. The question is how cowardly are the television stations he is trying to intimidate? They will win in any court, but they might decide that slinking away is the right play.


“Hans …are we the baddies?”


Rape and incest exceptions are just ways for the anti-choice crowd to pat themselves on the back and say they’re not complete monsters. In reality, only 7 out of 1000 rapes are prosecuted with a conviction. So who is going to decide it was rape and/or incest? A judge? And how long will that take? Will the pregnant person seeking an abortion exception have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law that the rape did indeed happen? Will pro-life groups go after judges who have granted the exception to say that it actually wasn’t rape and/or incest because no one ended up being charged or convicted?

We all know the reality of the situation means that there will be almost no exceptions for rape or incest because the burden of proof is too high and the timeframe to successfully prove it will be too long for an abortion to be performed.

I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but it’s a feature, not a bug.


And three times last night, Ted declined the opportunity to deny that he’s a complete monster.