Abbott Warns Texas’ COVID-19 Numbers Are ‘Going To Look Worse’ Next Week

“The last thing we want to do is shut things down again,” Abbott told FOX 26 on Thursday.

“And I am willing to let tens of thousands of Texans die to prevent that from happening,” he continued.


Ted Cruz too.

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I think Abbott must be an alarmist. Florida is running ahead of Texas in the number of Covid19 cases but Governor DeSantis says everything is A-OK. There are Republicans who are denying the reports that Orlando is about out of ICU beds. It seems they heard the hospitals are playing with the numbers. They have plenty of beds but they are hiding them. The press is just being alarmist.


Abbott Warns Texas’ COVID-19 Numbers Are ‘Going To Look Worse’ Next Week

So TX, let’s jam pack those megachurches this coming Sunday and together pray the Covid away, please don’t wear mask or the Lord might not recognize you, but you can bring your guns just in case a bus load of Antifa BLM looters show up.


“going to look worse…”

It’s all about appearances for clowns like Abbott.

He doesn’t know how bad he looks, especially talking to Hannity, who ain’t looking so hot, either.


“I gotta tell you, I think the numbers are going to look worse as we go into next week,” Abbott said during an interview on local Fox News affiliate FOX 26. “And we need to make sure that there’s going to be plenty of hospital beds available in the Houston area.”

No shit, Sherlock. You asked for it. Now you’ve got it. Fucking Luddite.


They aren’t going to “look worse” they’re going to be worse and he shares much of the blame for it.

Here’s how medicine works: You go to school for 4 years and get a general education which is fairly worthless. You then do a residency in a filed which is worth a lot. That’s usually another 4 years or so. If you want to do the academic angle you then get a PhD. 4 more. At that point you have half your life into your discipline and KNOW a bit about it so you’re unleashed on the public to practice.

You don’t do this shit OJT. You don’t start out as a politician with a partisan position and then adjust to the ass kicking a virus gives you. You don’t set aside the 12 to 16 years the other guy spent LEARNING about this shit and override that with concerns of your political future. If so Mother Nature will have a field day with you. She will kill you and laugh all the while.

Abbott should be removed even though he finally confronted reality.


This is where a good QAnon conspiracy should take root. How does Abbott know this ahead of time? Is he purposefully infecting citizens to look like a covid-19 warrior? Is he secretly working for Jeffery Epstein? (Who is still alive and in hiding, by the way. Anyone see the body? Nope.) Or is Abbott secretly a…gasp!..Libertarian?!



If they wanna talk about NY, they might wanna talk about using its response as a model for dealing with the virus.
NYS numbers have fallen significantly and are analogous to the trends in Western Europe.
Somehow, that’s not what we hear.
I suppose it has something to do with the need to go back into lock down.


“The last thing we want to do is shut things down again,” Abbott told FOX 26 on Thursday.

How about: "The last thing we want to do is contribute to the continued rise in levels of suffering and death among our citizens here in Texas." What would be so goddamn difficult about saying something that made sense and showed compassion for a change, Mr. Head-Honcho-Politician-Guy?


No, thanks. That would just put his Lt Gov in charge who is far more clueless than Abbott. This is the guy who famously said at the outset that the old people should just be sacrificed to death by the virus to keep the economy running

No, thanks.


Don’t forget to include Gov. Ducey.


People in TX, FL, and AZ are not comfortable with the idea that what happened in NYC is going to happen to them. When the Governors stooge so transparently, people know they are about to get some serious tribulations. The clue is the more favorable rates in their neighboring blue States.


I, for one, am not willing to maintain friendships with folks that would willfully endanger others with such callous disregard. I got a post from someone ( whom I thought was a thinking individual) that said the govt was implanting chips in your nasal cavity when taking a Covid test. There is apparently no bottom to folks that will not think.


They will repent when they are lying on a hospital bed with a ventilator tube down their throat


The neighbors will notice after a day or two. We once had someone die during a power outage after a storm (generator didn’t run the A/C), too many trees down for the funeral home van to make the pickup even though it was only half a mile away, and after six hours you really didn’t wanna go in there.
And that was Indiana. Add another 10 degrees F.

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There are few things more sad than realizing a long time friend has been poisoned by FOX news and the internet, or some combination of negative forces. The ability to see through the bullshit and not be swept up by misinformation and phony pseudo-science has become one of the most critical traits to have in the modern age. I do not blame them for their inability to discern the truth, but at my age I am finding it easier and easier to let them go. Once you go down the conspiracy rabbit hole, it is very hard to come back out.


“And we need to make sure that there’s going to be plenty of hospital beds available in the Houston area.”

Gov. Abbott, you’ve done such a great job so far, let’s put you in charge of ordering the dozens of refrigerated morgue trucks needed for the upcoming death wave.

We’ll call them the Abbott Express.


Run them out of town on a rail. Make sure the media is given a heads up and have the world see how Texas handles these POS.

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Abbott Warns “It’s going look worse next week”. NEWS FLASH! Republican Cult member tells the TRUTH! A momentous moment in Texas politics. Congratulations Governor Abbott.

Ware a mask and practice social distancing and wash your hands often and vote.

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