A Veep Who Wants Your Skin Ripped Off

According to Trump, those are a bunch of losers. Why did they do it? Go figure.


Judge Merchan said that closing arguments — also known as summations — will take place on Tuesday. Court will continue on Tuesday for as long as it takes to finish summations that day, he said. At the same time, we don’t expect closing arguments to last an inordinately long amount of time.

I expect there will be longer arguments, as the defendant’s lawyers will file multiple arguments and issues for dismissal of each of the charges and then try to get the judge to write off half the prosecution’s evidence and then attempt to persuade the judge to throw the whole case out.

This could take half a day by itself.

In other words, 170 members of Congress, representing 36 different states, have in some ways supported Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. These efforts include pushing baseless conspiracy theories about the safety and integrity of the election, attempting to stop the certification of election results, or by supporting or pursuing meritless legal challenges to attempt to overturn the election results.

And we’d have to be really stupid to think that they wouldn’t deny the certification vote if Biden wins again. Knowing that several States are dominated by deniers, we might also consider that these same States might also attempt to send alternate electors (I didn’t say they would succeed, just that they might attempt) to gum up the certification process.

I remember in the eighties, Blacks loved Trump.”

I was around in the 80s. I don’t remember that.


May they destroy each other


Libertarian Party’s National Convention on May 25


eric trump gave up NOTHING for America. To wit:
One of my uncles worked the decks of the Merchant Marine getting supplies to England in the years 1934-1945
Another uncle (my mom’s brother) lies in a grave on the bluff above Omaha Beach where he died on June 6th 1944.
My father fought the Japanese in the Pacific theater as a pilot of a Grumman Avenger plane. He did missions off Henderson Field on Guadalcanal in 1942. Transferred to his carrier the USS Anzio (originally called the Coral Sea) and flew 110 missions off that carrier.
My BIL did two tours in Vietnam
A cousin served in the Navy off Vietnam
Mrs darr herself is a Navy veteran…
So Mister Eric Trump… What have you yourself sacrificed for America?


Do ya figure that anyone under the age of 30 remembers ‘Tehran Tom’?


I don’t generally comment on people’s appearance. I really try not to but in Mr Cotton’s case Pencil Neck does apply



Neither himself nor his sons served a day. What a disgusting picture of a family who knows nothing of sacrifice. This is repugnant.

Normandy - a small fraction of real American heroes buried at Normandy. They paid with their lives to preserve our freedom.


If ignorance really was bliss, Trumpists would be a lot happier.


Flying the flag is the honest part.

The dishonest part is when he and the rest of the wingers play-act at “impartial caller of balls and strikes”.


“When shall we three meet again?”

“When the hurly-burly’s done, when the election’s lost and won.”



I visited the beaches of Normandy in 1994. The graves at Omaha made the tears flow freely. Later while visiting the lovely town of Granville at the junction of Brittany and Normandy where my genes come from… it turned out to be Anniversary Day. The day Americans liberated that small city. The town had a jeep a period tank and guys in period uniforms. When they realized my wife and I were American it was like we were rock stars. I took pains to point out praise should be reserved for my father’s generation, not me. It did not matter to the locals that day. They needed to express undying gratitude.


Yes, I know. As I recall, his father, as President, couldn’t even bear a little bit of rain to honor our fallen soldiers at a French cemetery.

I truly appreciate the sacrifices your family has made for our country.


A legal expense to get a lawyer to pay hush money to affect the 2016 election.

And, btw, your keyboard is stuck on Caps Lock, Donnie


“Oh, it gets better. They’re actually generating enough electricity to power the floodlights.”


What do you mean, hidden?


I wept at the sight of the acres of markers. Each one signified the tremendous sacrifice made by them and their families. At Omaha Beach there is a bronze statue depicting a soldier dragging a wounded fellow soldier up the beach. It was so moving.

How dare Eric Trump compare his family to those who survived Omaha Beach and those who died during the war buried in the cemetery above the beach.


TSF wouldn’t have been prosecuted for falsifying business records if he had paid Cohen out of his own pocket, rather than billing it to his business. But TSF is a cash-poor billionaire who needs every tax write-off he can finagle to pad his bottom line.


She will do whatever her benefactors tell her to do.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.


Generally I am a forgiving guy. There are exceptions however. A order by Nixon during the Vietnam war cost me 2 childhood buddies. Now this mattered a lot in my town. Darrtown is only two businesses and on a good day about 400-500 people in population. Losing two affected my tiny “town” and me. For Nixon there is no forgiveness. With trump et.al. it is far worse. 800,000 dead of covid on his watch and he did not care and said that he took no personal responsibility at all. Then this crap about “sacrifice.” Deeply insulting does not begin to approach what I am feeling. I lack the vocabulary for this.
I would be happy to talk to Eric about what real sacrifice is.