A Rundown Of Election Mail Sabotage Claims DeJoy Will Have To Answer For | Talking Points Memo

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has scandalized the nation in recent days with cost-cutting measures that he has said are meant to improve the Postal Service’s finances — even at the expense of mail delivery times. And with Election Day fast approaching and state and local officials expecting record-breaking numbers of ballots to be cast by mail, the USPS shenanigans could end up impacting the vote tally itself.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1327455
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Hiding the evidence by removing large piles of mail :point_down:

Carlos Barrios, clerk craft director for the union, said postal workers were directed to give Castro “a deceitful perception of how we’re doing things.” He said workers were told to remove large piles of delayed mail before Castro arrived He estimated that the pile contained anywhere from 30,000 to 54,000 pieces, some of which were dated as long ago as March.

Also, let’s not forget that Trump wants to defund USPS (Via CNN)

”But if they don’t get those two items that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting because you they’re not equipped to have it," Trump added.

Addendum (Via NYT):
Mnuchin (of not the USPS) ordered prospective USPS Board of Governors members “to ‘kiss the ring" before they were confirmed and issued demand that seemed illegal


You couldn’t do a better job of fucking things up. if you tried. And DeJoy is really trying.


Still can’t believe they(Trump &Co) thought no one would notice the mail disruption.And with postal workers inside putting everyone on notice making sure people knew what was going on.


Send DeJoy to Guantanamo

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The most troubling aspect of this sabotage is the removal and destruction of the mail sorting machines. All the other shenanigans are reversible, but the machines have had their wires cut and have already been loaded into dumpsters or left outside in parking lots to rust and rot.

These machines are United States government assets and property, purchased with taxpayer money. They have a depreciation schedule and cannot just be discarded on a whim. If there was an actual concrete plan to replace older machines that were nearing the end of their system life, their replacements would have been delivered and been ready to install at the moment of decommissioning. The removal of these mail sorting machines is simply transparent destruction of government property and DeJoy needs to face charges for this.


Trump , or who ever is pulling his strings, knew they would be found out.
They did a blitzkrieg like Hitler.
The damage was done before anything could be done.
DeJoy not being removed and arrested is just another crime we have to thank McConnell for.


There is a period of history called The Dark Ages. What will this time be called by future historians?


With DeJoy set to testify before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee [on Friday] and again before the House Oversight Committee
Two words you fat ignorant traitor
“Katie Porter”
I guarantee you will be shitting out a new asshole when she is done with you


That they’re willing to do this means we already live in a fascist state. The GOP has spent 50 years breeding contempt for democracy, and it is all along the line. They don’t think we have a right to have a say in the outcome of a country where liberal democracy is truly the will of the vast majority people.

Electing Obama was just proof positive to those propagandized into believing they are put upon. Meanwhile, it is the people that profited from the mass exodus of jobs to other countries and the resultant anger weaponizing an army of bitter people against those who actually give a damn about them.

The same in the UK. The newspaper rack is just a choice between similar poisons, and the people that own those papers are the ones screaming about the elites wanting to do away with democracy. You don’t hear a squeak from the opposition Labour party, on any subject, because none of them own any media outlets, papers, TV, nothing.

Last week the BBC in Scotland ran a documentary about the prosecution of Alex Salmond, the guy that drove the independence vote. The fact that he was acquitted meant nothing to the state-owned but people-paid-for TV outlet. It was an out and out smear against a man pursued for sexual assault by some no-doubt well-compensated people.

In America, Reagan is responsible. He made Fox News possible when he killed the Fairness Doctrine, and it was his Comms director that formed that company. Following GOP governments have made cross-media monopolies legal in single markets, so now we have Sinclair Media reporting who knows what to people in the GOP states and wherever else they can get a toe hold. They are uniformly evangelical Christian, and they want a money-grubbing theocracy. God is telling them it’s only what’s right, and the First Amendment be damned. This is a heist.

Trump has to lose and he has to lose badly. Otherwise the final veil slips and we will be living with the true evil of poor-little-rich boys feeling it is their right to rule. Those neighbors with the MAGA hats will be the ones calling the secret police because you’re eating arugula instead of all-American iceberg. Half the country will get jobs out of it, and another large segment will believe whatever keeps them out of jail.


The Orangeages.


I love that woman.


And one of the things that I haven’t seen discussed is that some of those machines may have only been used during certain times during a year, i.e. Mother’s Day and Election Day, and Christimas.
I wonder if NoJoy was removing machines that were back-ups, or like I said put into use for certain times during the year? I can’t imagine any business that uses a machine to accomplish a big part of their job to not have a back-up or to use when another machine is under going repair.


The Age of L’Orange Menace.


Well you have to hand it to DeJoy…he gets results and he gets them FAST!!! Check out the tracking history on a medical item I have coming…or hope I have coming…for my work. Arrived in Orlando from Europe 11 days ago and entered the USPS system. Look at that thing. It eventually made it to Atlantic Beach where I am. Then hauled ass over the ditch into Jax and tripped around there for a time. Then made it back to Atlantic Beach only to be sent to Pennsylvania…I guess as a “cost cutting” measure. I still don’t have the thing. May never get it.

Aug 20, 2020  8:09am Package processed by post office WARRENDALE, PA 15095

Aug 17, 2020  6:02am  Accepted by post office  ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233

Aug 17, 2020  4:09am  Accepted by post office   JACKSONVILLE, FL 32203

Aug 16, 2020  5:59am Package processed by post office  JACKSONVILLE, FL 32099

Aug 11, 2020 3:47am  Shipment Acceptance at Post Office ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233

Aug 10, 2020  11:04am Departed from Regional Distribution Center  ORLANDO, FL 32809

I doubt it. DeJoy will be surly, bratty and disrespectful. He’ll evade questions or question the question. All playbook stuff. NOTHING will happen to him. If Biden is elected he’ll just fade away. NOTHING will happen to DeJoy.


In July I ordered 3 things from Walmart.com. One item came for CA, another from southern FL, and the last from northern FL. The first notification I got was from the business in northern FL that it was on it’s way. It was the last item to arrive. Looking at it’s tracking history made sense until it hit IL, and then for some reason it went to Ithaca, NY before being delivered to me in STL, and was the last item received.

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I think you’re wrong
It’s been so blatant and rural seniors and vets aren’t getting their meds.and packages
Everyone loves and depends on the post office and that poster boy for everything that is wrong with America will be vilified by both sides
You don’t think Republicans aren’t getting Nasty-grams from their constituents?


It strikes me that DeJoy is made from the same mold as Gordon Sondland, Trump’s erstwhile ambassador to the EU. Both are Trump mega-donors who were given prestigious sinecures with fairly simple tasks to carry out. Sondland’s was to follow Giuliani’s instructions to stir up anti-Biden sentiment in Europe, particularly in Ukraine. His ineptitude eventually contributed to Trump’s impeachment. DeJoy’s was apparently to sabotage the USPS rendering it incapable of dealing with the increased workload of mail-in ballots. His heavy-handed approach has called immediate attention to his sabotage and he himself may be impeached unless Trump fires him first.

This is all just a reflection of how Trump goes about choosing those he wishes to implement his plans. His primary concern is loyalty – not to the country, but to him personally. He selects those who are willing to do what he wants. He does not take into consideration whether or not they are capable of doing what he wants.


Someone wrote on FB this am that one of the Milwaukee post offices has about 100 bins of mail that no one is allowed to process. It might be bulk mail; it might not be. No one is allowed to find out.

The postal service workers have been forbidden to talk about this in the press or social media.

Live animals are dying in transit because the delay exceeds the normal transit time.

If no one else does, Katie needs to ask about all of this on Monday. The Senate hearing won’t elicit much because it’s dominated by GOP, but Monday will be another story.