A Rollicking Tick-Tock Of The Comically Inept SharpieGate Scandal | Talking Points Memo

Just put it on his tab…

Edit: Gods, I hope there is an exhaustive list made of all of Drumph’s actual crimes. The chance of prosecution is slim, but the sheer numbers might tip the scales.


Well, he certainly dominates content at TPM


No doubt. I suppose you always have to keep in mind what the most evil among us might do.


Masks Are Good for America
Trump goes to Florida and chooses to completely ignore that America is bleeding from this pandemic. Every day we waste without national action costs lives.
Most see it in the abstract. Sadly not me.
My next door neighbor’s mom died of covid in a local nursing home
I do charity work. I take fruits and veggies to shut in seniors. They’re poverty stricken. For whatever reason some cannot get around very easily. One of those folks who was a very genteel man, well spoken and a joy to talk to by phone died three days ago. Of covid.
People I have known are now dead. Unnecessarily. Because of inaction by a self absorbed idiot
This is how I stop forgiving stupidity.


There is no “bad weather” forecast for tomorrow night…

showers are expected tonight, but by noon tomorrow the odds of any rain at all are minimal – and the odds of serious rainfall is all but non-existent until Monday Evening. In fact, Sunday’s weather should be about perfect – and its not like venues for large gatherings are booked solid in Portsmouth right now…


What if they gave a rally and nobody came?


Biden Day 2: Please step over there so those two large gentlemen from Treasury and FBI can pick you up by the ankles and shake the loot out of your clothing.


I know the important part is getting them out of the government, but I kind of hope that he makes it a point to fire them rather than asking for their resignations. Corruption and incompetence at this scale deserves a stronger statement than professional courtesy would dictate.


Yes, bad weather is what the kids call “Tulsa-sized crowd” these days.


If I had a buck for everytime I’ve heard a Trumphole say “Hey, I wish he’d stay off Twitter. I don’t like that. But you gotta admit he’s shaking things up,” I would be a wealthy man.

Yeah. Then you get stuff like THIS.

Bonus: A Trumphole I know was coming back from one of those quickie-lube job places and found out that they’d forgotten to tighten down the oil pan nut. Lost almost all of her oil when it fell out. She screamed about their incompetence. When everything had quieted down, I said, “Yeah, but you gotta admit they were sure shaking things up.”
Took her a few to get it. Two people standing next to her who knew her political preferences got it immediately, though.


I don’t think I can read one more thing about Trump.

I’m bored.

He’s a lying stain on American history. What more is there? Lying stain gonna stain.


In unrelated news, the Jacksonville republican national convention event has been canceled due to a hurricane:

NOAA official: “Normally we don’t do specific hurricane forcasts seven weeks in advance, but we found a sharpie and graphed that sucker right up.”


I assume the IG will be “pursuing other interests while spending time with family” in the near future.


“It’s not fair”, says the whiny-assed two-year-old baby ALL THE TIME. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

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Reminds me of an editorial cartoon from the 80s, when the FBI was trying to force reporters covering the drug war to reveal their sources, and threatening them with prison - a couple actually did end up in prison.

Anyway, the cartoon showed a window high in a prison tower, with one person saying “Murder. What are you in for?” Second person: “Investigative journalism.”


“Didn’t work for King Canute either”

As was once said by an astute observer of the natural world…
“Tides come in, tides go out”.


the rally needed lots and lots of people. It was scheduled to take place in an airplane hangar (weather concerns?), with some of the crowd outdoors, and Air Force One in the background. That creates a visually challenging environment – you can manipulate the crowd locations to get your own good shots, but anyone taking pictures from different angles are going to show something completely different.


I think there’s a flaw in your argument…


Sure you can. I can think of a couple of instances when you’ll be happy to read about Bunker Boy.
1.When he goes to jail
2. When his quarter-pounder fueled ticker slams him into a dirt-nap.


The flipside of this…is:

Making Americans Gasp Again.

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