Originally published at: A Reoccurring Theme Of Trump II For DeSantis: Getting Humiliated - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Amid the firehose of sinister Donald Trump orders and actions on the first day of Week Two, let us take a moment to revel in something less bleak: Ron DeSantis’ uninterrupted, borderline masochistic humiliation at the hands of Trump (and his friends). During the transition, it appeared Trump was enacting some payback on Florida Gov.…
I hope history is unkind to these fools for Trump.
Humiliating DeSantis is about entrenching himself as the Republican party leader.
It is all about power and keeping it.
I am not too keen about that, but don’t mind that that DeSantis had his face eaten, again.
TRUMP Act: Toadies and Reactionaries Undermining Moral Principles
A State monitoring International Banking Transfers? Isn’t that the Federal Governments job?
Remember that history is written by the victors. I read elsewhere that all the J6 databases have been erased by the DOJ. They mean to erase it from all memory and history.
Ministry of Truth
I don’t agree with the idea that history is written by the victors. History is constantly being rewritten and retold to match the political needs of those in power in the present, but this does not erase the literature, the art, the journalism, and the essays of marginalized people.
Perhaps the largest example of this is that the literature and history created by a marginalized and displaced community from the hills of the Levant is, thousands of years later, still the most influential book in the world.
I don’t like either of these corrupt, power hungry assholes.
I think it may be more like someone here not having a bank account and using something like MoneyGram.
(just as I typed this I this popped into my head)
Candy Gram!
For the umpteenth time, irony is dead.
On the issue of the 14th amendment and birthright citizenship, obviously if you’re born here you are automatically a citizen, which even the Orange Asshole (and draft dodger) should be able to think(?) his way through that. However, you’re not an anchor baby if your parents are not citizens. It’s simple, if Mom and Dad are illegals, they should be given a straightforward choice: 1) Arrange for someone to take care of the child or assume it goes into the foster system until it reaches adulthood or, 2) take the baby (acknowledged to be a citizen) with them and when an adult it can return legally to the US. If this was widely publicized, illegal parents could make their decision and then take their chances on being repatriated.
Tr**p Republican Useless Moronic Policies?
Nobody saw this coming …
and there will be more. (shared article)
Pardoned Jan. 6 rioter shot, killed by police in Indiana
Still getting an Ernst Röhm type of vibe from Governor Putz-In-Boots.
Let’s not do Trump’s work for him. Let’s not come up with ways that we can legitimize crimes against humanity.
Deportation is always wrong. Let’s just not make excuses for the administration, let’s not play this game.
And finally, please do not refer to people as
“Illegals.” This is extremely offensive. Did you call the protesters of the civil rights movement who violated laws against discrimination illegals?
Oh, but thousands of people are doing exactly that, all over the Internet. Some with more skill and creativity than others, true.