Your intermittent briefing on the reconciliation negotiations that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) largely killed is now at least briefly back for an update. What can I say — it’s Manchin’s world, we’re just living in it.
Maybe nobody promise anything this time around, keep the discussions private, and that way we’ll all be pleasantly surprised if they ever manage to come to an agreement?
“Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) on Monday pitted himself against his staunchest ally so far on all things stymying Democrats’ hopes and dreams: Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ).”
Sinema has thrown in with the oligarchs, and she and her staff seem to revel in the righteous hatred she engendered. It’s dreadful and I apologize (for the 637th time) that I gave her money and my vote.
“I respect her and what her concerns may be, but I think basically our financial situation is getting worse, not better, so maybe we can take another look at it,” Manchin added of Sinema. “I would hope so.”
well, manch, I’m certain you know kyrsten well enough to understand she doesn’t actually give a shit if the nation’s financial situation has gotten worse since the tax cuts for the wealthy have been implemented. She does care about her own financial situation and being in the spotlight, though. Maybe you can work it from that angle.
In other words, he doesn’t actually know what her concerns really are, but whatever they may be, he respects them. Because, why not respect concerns when you have no idea what they are?
He’s quickly approaching his sell by date, if not surpassed it. I recognize the pragmatism of indulging this pretentious bounder’s whims and hostage takings in order to maintain Schumer as minority leader, but where’s the dignity?!