A Far-Right Former Legislator Pops Up In Poland With Dozens Of Kids | Talking Points Memo

We reported earlier today on a strange situation involving Matt Shea, the far-right former Washington State legislator who’s known, among other things, for his authorship of a document describing killing non-believers and his advocacy for a separatist 51st state movement. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1409322

I think that’s a god reference. He’s gonna bring the orphans home to white nationalist god.


RW Republicans like Shea only care about kids when they are in the womb. Anyway, who in the hell can fly into a foreign country and try to leave with over sixty kids without taking a major amount of time to get approval? Isn’t that how those pizza parlor-basement child sex rings get started?


Exactly. Home to the capital-F Father. He’s bringing them in for Jesus. Not for, you know, their physical well-being.


Weird how these far-right freaks invariably turn out to be guilty of the shit they falsely accuse Democrats of doing?

The only way this could be more stomach churning (and ironic) is if it turns out this clown is actually running a child-sex trafficking ring out of the basement of pizza parlor in Liviv.


I assume he’s gonna ship them home in Ikea furniture.


Even if Shea et al were not involved in child traffik it would be enough that he was identified as a domestic terrorist and officially expelled from a state legislative body to forbid taking these children, never mind evading legal procedures in the host country and the fundamentalist Christianism revealed in his diatribe (made me think of the Duggar family frankly - sickening)


As Matt Gaetz kicks himself for missing the opportunity to get first dibs.


First I really appreciate the introduction to a new local source of news for me, Range.

Second, the fact that Matt Shea is involved in human trafficking and international kidnapping is not surprising. Like many parts of America, Spokane has a large Russian and Ukrainian immigrant community. My twin boys, a little older than the picture, share a fifth grade class with a recent Ukrainian immigrant. So it is not surprising at all that Matt Shea, his wife is also a Ukrainian immigrant, decided to use this as an excuse to kidnap Ukrainian children.

Finally, I want to point out that virtually all adoption is kidnapping. It almost always amounts to a decision that rather than help somebody become a good parent we should steal their children. The exception is, of course, adoption of an orphan with no family. While I fully expect there to be thousands of orphans created by this war, erasing their entire history, ignoring their entire extended family, that’s a crime.


…Shea’s promotion of a “Christian warfare” training organization called “Team Rugged.”

Isn’t that a sub-genre/category for hot male-on-male action over at PornHub?



[“I do not know what Matt Shea and his friends are doing here around children,” the mayor, Artur Pomianowski, said. “Mr. Shea and his friends have given us some contradictory information and, for that reason, it is difficult for us to trust them.”]

…and us too.


“That’s the next generation, Team Rugged, literally sitting at the foot of the cross” Shea said of his interviewees, who were between 21 and 23 years old.

Um … dude … those were the Roman soldiers.


“That’s the next generation, Team Rugged, literally sitting at the foot of the cross.” Boy that really brings me back to the good old days, getting dressed up, slicking down my hair, to go to church on Sunday, where I would gaze upon the crucifix, Jesus gazing upon the congregation with suffering and mercy in his face, and a crowd of guys in cammo packing assault rifles and RPGs crowded around at the foot. And then the liberals came along and ruined everything.


True at the (literally) global level, too. One “Big Lie”: Russia is engaged in a special military action to stop the Ukrainians from committing genocide against, well, er, the Ukrainians. As we speak, courageous (and good-looking, too) Russian soldiers are sacrificing their lives to stop the Ukrainians from shelling Ukrainian kindergartens and maternity hospitals.

The other “big lie”: Trump won the 2020 election by a landslide, and was only kept out of office by a treasonous conspiracy between the liberals-who-hate-America, Smartmatic, Venezuela, Jewish space lasers controlled from Italy, and a couple of RINOs.

Two heads, one fascist hydra.


It would be really helpful if some reputable reporters got video of the Russian troops firing from inside that hospital. Hard to do and all, I understand, but still, if they got good video with good reporting and interviews and maybe getting it live on teevee, maybe that would really help turn people against the lies and bs and freaks like Greene and Shea.


I think the only thing Shea and his shady group are interested in is basically trafficking these children to the US and putting them in homes to be adopted, regardless if they actually have family in Ukraine. Just because these children were in an orphanage in a time of war does not mean they do not have family who could/would take them in if they could get to them. I hope their transport to the US is forbidden, this whole thing is shady at best.


FIFY. Breeding stock for making more white nationalists.


Shea said of his interviewees, who were between 21 and 23 years old.

And all completely naked. We all know this was the case, right?


Conservatives are pro-life until it takes its first breath.
You folks thought I was fooling about the Reichwing nuts we’re breeding around here. The Sheriff Sheep Snaza types, are the moderates.

This would explain Matt Shea vs Matt Gaetz.


Putin then predicted that Republicans would undergo a “a natural and necessary self-purification of society” that he said would “only strengthen our country.”
 – (Raw Story)

Wait. I think I got that quote wrong…