6 Unanswered Questions About Trump's Arlington Cemetery Fiasco

My guess is the first two, but only because Miller is a cringy little weasel who would be hiding behind the other two, egging them on.


Not mentioned in MM: How Speaker Johnson greased the wheels (twisted arms?) to have tfg and others do their campaign event at Arlington. Shameful.

Equally shameful: the NYT, as Josh notes in the post from about 10a, re Gov. Wes Moore. That was a f*****g ALERT from the NYT yesterday, and I read the story and then got to the buried part where the GENERAL (then a colonel) recommended Moore and said he HAD put forth the paperwork for the Bronze Star.

Way to go, NYT. You’re really trying my patience with your political hit jobs.


Any video that the Shitgibbon’s campaign is evidence that they screwed the pooch and violated the rules.

And I struggle to think that the fucking Army would roll over for this fucker. But then they (the officers involved) are probably thinking of their careers. But with this blowup, they’re likely toast anyway. If I were in their position, I would come out swinging. HARD.


“The system” didn’t do this, but I suppose the ruling makes it part of the system. At any rate, this is another example of people making a decision rather than some structural flaw in the system, and that decision was based on literally zero text in what is supposed to be those peoples’ guide.


Dash knows how to celebrate! What a beauty.


His rabid right wing voters have been well trained to believe the part they want to hear and dismiss the contradiction as fake news.

As @lastroth has posted before in tribute to Simon & Garfunkel, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.


I agree but please do not diss the weasels. They do not deserve to be compared to the asswipe, Miller.


You got the bragging rights…Brag already. :slight_smile:


Not much to add to what the Hillbilly Poltroon said.


I hope Sept 18th remains the day of sentencing. … or in trump’s world *the day of Crucifixion" where the world stops spinning and all becomes ruin.


Row. He knows it because he was the cox of the 8-Man crew at Penn. It was the faster 8-man in the history of the planet. It was bigly fast.

/s (Just in case you try to look that FACT up.)


Creepy weirdo.


Oh, I like weasels too, but was at a loss at that moment for a visual.

Perhaps “worm” would have been better, except worms have an important role in our world and Miller is just a cancer.


Trump Posts Video of Worship Concert as Pro-Life Evangelicals Continue To Express Concerns (churchleaders.com)
Amid recent fissures in Donald Trump’s evangelical support base over the issue of abortion, the former president took to Truth Social this week with a post that could be seen as an olive branch.

Trump raised the ire of pro-life advocates last week when he declared that if elected in November, his “administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights.”

The post came a little more than a month after a significant revision of the Republican Party Platform. While Republicans in 2016 called for a federal ban on abortion after 20 weeks, the platform adopted in July stated that in light of the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the power of abortion legislation “has been given to the States and to a vote of the People.”

This revision was sharply criticized by pro-life Republicans and evangelical leaders, who expressed frustration that what had been a deeply held principle of the party was now being discarded for the pragmatic purpose of increased electability.

While Trump was once hailed as “the most pro-life president” in American history for appointing justices to a Supreme Court that went on to overturn Roe in June 2022, he has become increasingly more sympathetic to the pro-choice causesince that landmark decision.


Is it even relevant if the staff member wants to press charges? By all accounts there is photographic, video and eye witness evidence of a federal crime being committed. Is the staffer’s permission required to proceed with law enforcement?


Asswipe works. All it’s good for is throwing away or burning if you’re on a camping trip.


THANK YOU!!! I am not alone. My daughter and son in law are staying with us for 2 weeks. I will ply them with food in return for computer tips. Negotiations will be fierce as no one wants to help olds with computering.


Given that she’s leading, I’m not sure how much “help” she needed from that interview. The NYT seems unable to escape the premise that Democrats have to prove themselves ad nauseum.


Message: it’s now OK for Republican candidates to use Arlington National Cemetery and the graves of fallen American soldiers as campaign props.



Although not unwarranted.