5 Points On The Heightened Concern Over Saturday’s Right-Wing Rally At The Capitol | Talking Points Memo

No Taco Bells in the DC area?

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Apparently, two of them…one on Washington and the other on Massachusetts…

:blush: Even better if you warm it up on the dashboard of the car for a few hours.

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That a long ways…several thousand miles.

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You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Portapotty

Or at least a clean one in this case.


election places may be next

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Confirmed lying dirt bag.


I’d guess they’re hoping for some help from the blue helmeted thugs and black helicopters.
Oh, and the Soros Foundation.

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It was the eye brows that gave him away right? Dude needs a mustache to complete his Jr Egghead look.


And by BRAINS, I mean BRAINS!!!

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I bet the coppers can’t wait to “stand their ground” and Babbitt these hicks.

Well that and the obvious lying.

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On, not in hehe

So is here a chance there would some kind of rushing of one of the jails the detainees might be in? They could certainly make their case for wanting to free them if they actually went where the detainees were.

Who do these jagoffs think is buying this? The are serving more KKKool-Aid to the KKKult. That’s about it. This isn’t going to move anyone else.

We used to call that ‘dry humping’.


And they can no longer count on Trump to pardon them. /s

They’re not political prisoners …what they are is (former?) political suckers.

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No chance anything like that would be successful.

They’ve always been suckers. Now some of them are going to find out just how ‘How many licks DOES it take to get yourself incarcerated?’

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Are you going to make the national news with this?