5 Points On The Funding Bill Johnson And Trump Want To Squeeze Through The House

Jesus, can the Democrats come off as many more feckless than they already are? I’ve gotten the message out to my friends but am unable to speak with any reps for my senators (Duckworth, Durbin).

I’m leaving voicemails (which I’m sure they’ll get to), but the way to avoid having your phone lines flooded to is to quickly come out with a position. They’ve known for several days that this is coming and they don’t have a stance?

It’s like asking someone if they would eat broken glass and them asking what district it’s from.


I like to think of him as the Squeaker of the House. Goddamn rodent.



Can you post her newsletters here? They would be pretty damn amusing.


I said it yesterday and I’ll say it again today. Dems are like the black or Jewish doctor who will work to save a man covered in swastika tattoos because they have a moral obligation to do so.

Oh and welcome to the scrum as @lestatdelc used to say.


There was zero economic populism in Trump and the GOP’s agenda.

Rather, there populism was all hatred for the other guy.

That said, I offer an interesting article from Paul Krugman now that he no longer writes for the NYT.

The article concludes with:

While rule by crazy conspiracy theorists is an unquestionably bad state of affairs, let me lay out two specific reasons it’s bad.

First, it means that the people in charge won’t learn from failure. When things go wrong — when planes crash, or forests burn, or children die of preventable diseases, or the economy enters stagflation — it won’t be because policies should be reconsidered. It will be because sinister globalists are plotting against America. And the beatings will continue until morale improves.

Second, there will be a search for scapegoats. Much of the federal government is already in the midst of a de facto political purge, with professional civil servants replaced by apparatchiks and job cuts falling most heavily on agencies perceived as liberal. These purges will intensify and broaden, increasingly extending to the private sector, as the administration proves itself incapable of governing effectively.

It’s a scary prospect. I only hope that enough people get scared and angry enough, soon enough, to save America as we knew it.

The entire article is available, and I don’t think you need to pay for it now that it his writings are not in the NYT, at The Paranoid Style in MAGA Policy - Paul Krugman


Politics is just money talking to itself.


Democrats who vote in favor of the CR are doing the Republicans a GIANT favor, they are NO BETTER than the MAGAts.


Elbows Up, Democrats.


Why would defense spending need to be increased if we are no longer Russia’s enemy?


Now that’s funny!


Its a shit sandwich and tastes about the same from either end:

Keeping the government funded at current levels permits or even endorses the Mumps (musk+tfg) to continue their destruction of government while consolidating power.

OTOH, shutting down the government would immediately close down the agencies that Mumps would like to permantly shutter, but could prevent or delay some long term damage.

In response, the dems MUST put together a Peoples Cabinet and do daily press briefings to tell their side of this story. “The ONLY demand dems are making to continue to fund the government is that government must follow the law and pay for the services that Americans use. They wont do that.”

This needs to be said every time a dem says anything on any topic.


Because most people in the world are liberal and want freedom?   : - )

Republicans need to defend themselves from us.

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One answer. Trump wants it this way. Maybe he’ll fix it so they don’t have to run for re-election next year.


I"m guessing they can always go on tropical vacations – or ski vacations (abroad) – instead.


Every GQP will be on board, or else.

Every Dem will quiver nervously, not sure if they want to absorb the blame for the government shutdown if they vote ‘no’.

Dems will allow this to go through, trying to be the hero of the day, or something. Comity? Bipartisanship? What does Nancy say?

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Unless the Trump/Musk lawless crime spree ends, Democrats have zero to gain from keeping it going. Don’t let anything pass. Shut it all down. Don’t ratify the Trump/Musk regime’s active efforts to end the Constitution and turn the Congress into a powerless debate society.

This is a no-brainer if Democrats in the Senate had any concept of their role and the Trump/Musk regime seeking to convert our country into an authoritarian dictatorship.


I’ll see what I can do. Usually I scan them to see if she’s holding any town halls–surprise! she’s not!!!–then I delete as fast as possible.


Have a little faith. :fu:
6 Bankrupt Don knows not what he is doing.
It’s The Art of the Dunce.


I’m sure the Senate Dems will come up with a new way to be utterly useless and let TSF and Elmo do whatever they want. Can’t interrupt their gravy train by, shudder, actually taking a stand on anything.

Left messages for my two useless/MIA senators, for all the good it will do me. Waste of my time and energy


What happens when he finds out somebody was concealing their copy of Mein Kampf in a Bible cover?*

*Nothing, but it seemed important to ask.

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