5 Points Of What To Make Of The Insane Early Voting Numbers We’re Seeing | Talking Points Memo

I already voted. Anyway, I grew up in Minnesota, so I can handle the cold if need be.

Let’s hope. I’m guessing that you’re right but dreading the fact that we might all be wrong (however slim the chance).

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My son is a first-year college student in MN. They already had around 5 inches of snow. He’s from New England and taking it in stride. Students from FL, TX, CA and other southern climes, not so much. By the way, he cast his first presidential ballot in MN this year.


Heck, we had five inches or more of snow in New Mexico yesterday. Totally unseasonable, as was the low temperature, which broke the 104 year old record for this time of year. The ABQ Journal reports there were 133 fender benders in town that were reported to police. All the government offices were shut down for the day … except for the early Vote Centers!!


Black people are voting in large numbers because of voting suppression tactics by republicans so they are out there early.


No, seriously, young people are voting



I am not seeing much discussion about the downside of mail-in voting. The rejection rate of mail-in ballots is around 5%, which is higher than that of in-person ballots. In part this is because there are more ways to screw up a mail-in ballot than an in-person one, and in part it is because when you’re voting in person and the machine finds something wrong with your ballot, it gives you a chance to fix it. This year, the rejection rate of mail-in ballots could be even higher because many people will be doing it for the first time, and will be unfamiliar with the process.

If a greater percentage of Democrats mail in their votes compared to Republicans, and more of these Democratic votes are rejected, that could change the outcome in the states where the Presidential and Senate races are very close.


This is going to be one of those elections that political scientist will be analyzing for the next 4 years. There are so many variable why the turnout is off the chart. The only common denominator will be People Hate tRump!


I knew you were supposed to and I’m really glad. It’s dry.

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Well, for now…


In my good moments I think so too.

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Naw. The common denominator is that everyone is so thrilled at how the last four years have gone that they can’t wait to get him to stay, and will work on the constitutional amendment to undo term limits starting next year.


Still talking to the wife at the breakfast table?


Well, as a native of California I did believe that, too until I met my Quebec-born wife and we moved up there for university. Ssssh, don’t tell anybody but it’s all a scam they came up with to keep the annoying Americans out and it’s worked great for like, forever.

Sneeky devils…


For millenials it’s going to be the first election they’re eligible for. Maybe they’ll actually defy the age-old conventional wisdom that the “Youth vote never turns out.” That would be a great thing.


Dump the electoral college, add ranked choice voting, and you’d have a near-perfect system.


That’s almost a 74% return rate. Wow…!


Three of the Supremes need be impeached.


It would be interesting to see bad weather hit Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas on election day. I think there’s a lot of Democrats that want to get their vote off their chests just to be able to sleep better at night. Anyone waiting until the last day risks walking into a mess.

What happens if thousands of Democrats line up on election day, ones who have already voted by mail, and make the lines look five times longer than they actually are? That could scare late voters away, presumably dis-favoring Republicans.

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