3 Organizers Of Trump Fake Elex Plot—Including Chesebro—Indicted In Wisconsin

You are right, it isn’t sufficient punishment but it is all the punishment we have. We should have recognized the problem in 2000 with Bush v Gore and the Brooks Brothers Riot in Palm Beach County but we didn’t. These laws are all we have. There are no ex post facto laws under our constitution. the United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 (with respect to federal laws) and Article 1, Section 10 (with respect to state laws) says so. Too bad so sad.


His intimate friends called him “Candle-ends,”
And his enemies “Toasted-cheese.”

May they all be toast, and soon!!


Johnson was not a participant in the forgery, so far as we know. He’s an after-the-fact accessory.


Looks more Hitler-chic to me.

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Agree that the punishment does not fit the crime; but let’s hope these belated AG actions serve as a deterrent when the cult tries to pull something similar after the election (assuming Trump loses). I’d like to think that low level government officials and semi-successful business professionals would not risk participating in another scheme if it means potentially paying thousands to a lawyer, losing licenses, serving short jail term, etc.


Hear hear!

Criminals keep innovating, while their co-conspirators in government sclerotize the People’s ability to keep pace (cf. cryptocurrency, tax havens, dark political money, etc).



Malheureusement, we’ve moved on from “E pluribus unum” to “NO LEARNING”.


And in fact, the reporting now is that the charges were brought by way of a criminal complaint, not a grand jury indictment. That suggests there’s a plea deal in the works.


Is the iff a typo? Because it is common but means something a little different in the math/science world, if and only if. I don’t know if it’s legal shorthand, too. Seems that an “only if” part would make the defense against forgery a little more clearcut.

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OT: I see Josh notes that Trumpworld is trying to get jurors to go public.

His post doesn’t address what I consider the most probably reason: if even one juror comes forward, Trumpworld will manipulate that person into divulging as many details of the experience as possible, looking for grounds to appeal.

It could be something as absurd as “one day, the jury ran out of ham sandwiches, so somebody had to eat a salad instead.” It won’t matter how irrelevant it is: SCOTU$ is already adept at weaponizing civil rights to undermine the larger project of ordered liberty (e.g. Citizens United), and they will have no problem transmuting an innocent anecdote into grounds to overturn the verdict and let their guy off the hook.

Trump has taught Trumpworld how to work the ref. Public figures often barely survive. A layperson jury member would be easy prey.


Unless it revealed affirmative misconduct by the jurors, it won’t make a lick of difference to Judge Merchan or the appellate courts. Why the jurors reached their verdict is their own business – courts do not second-guess it.


That is more understandable to me given that Cheseboro already cut a deal in the GA case.

Cheseboro is also thought to be Unindicted Co-Conspirator #4 in the Arizona fake electors case.


That cheese stinks


Some very good cheeses stink.

He will only be good stinky cheese if he fully cooperates.


TPM is being much too modest here; this interview was a BFD.


The pic in the article above - with the Masked Cheese snapping a photo of his pretend electors signing the illegal paperwork - was also part of a 60 Minutes CBS segment this past Sunday evening.

It would be nice if our own @joshk / joshk@talkingpointsmemo.com got credit from Anderson Cooper for originally breaking the story… Just sayin’


That article is really good too, worth a reread.

I sometimes think Josh K. must have Jedi powers to get people to talk.


(with apologies to Packers fans everywhere)


It wouldn’t surprise me if the jury agreed before announcing their verdict to speak to NO ONE about their experience. They’re probably aware of what would happen to them (and their families) if they spoke out.


You don’t screw the help.

You don’t screw the help on a case that literally the whole country is watching.

You don’t screw the help on a case that literally the whole country is watching and a vast and well-funded media machine would like to discredit.