22-Year Old Who Successfully Impersonated Lesser Trumps Charged With Fraud | Talking Points Memo

No I’m an idiot who uses her own name. hahahahaha

I’m regretting not trademarking it at this point. hahahahahahahahahahahaha

And thanks - you didn’t have to do that.


Mr. Little, how does a man rob drug dealers for eight or nine years and live to tell about it?
Day at a time, I suppose. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ETA famous exchange from the same trial:

That wasn’t no ‘tempted murder.
What was it, Mr. Little?
I shot the boy Mike-Mike in his hind parts, that all. Fixed it so he couldn’t sit right.
Why’d you shoot the boy Mike-Mike in his hind parts, Mr. Little?
Let’s say we had a disagreement.
A disagreement over?
Well, you see, Mike-Mike thought he should keep that cocaine he was slingin’. And the money he was making from slinging it. I thought otherwise.


Must have to do with hands.

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What’s so difficult about impersonating a Trump? All you have to do is pretend you are ugly, stupid, and greedy. I mean, if you’re not already.


Impersonating a dead person? It all depends on the dates. :smirk:

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Trump adjacent?


I know, right? It’s like discovering a false bottom of a barrel filled with cow shit and finding shit from my cat under it (worse than the cow shit - trust me on this).

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Well, to be fair, she and the knobsy twins are under investigation for their roles in the criminal organization. Hopefully, that will actually turn out to mean something.


FYI: I grew up a rural kid on a family farm that had horses, sheep and cattle. We had barn cats as well and they kept the chickens in line. I am more than familiar with the effluvia that can proceed out of critters. It was my daily job before breakfast to make sure the horse stalls were mucked out. Lovely memories there. Oy!


Perhaps this is on a scale from “less” through “lesser” all the way down to “lessest”, with the former guy at the downmost end of the scale.

I’ve done that. Anyone who thinks farming is all old-world charming and lovely like a Constable painting hasn’t done much cleaning up after large animals.


sounds like a member of the trump klan to me


The scheme allegedly brought in only around $7,000, raised from people who purportedly believed that the accounts were actually Trump family members, though he netted more than 160,000 followers across his accounts.

160k followers but only $7k?

Clearly, he didn’t his Grifting Degree from Trump U.



Is this any more fraudulent than the usual Trump family word-hose?

I’d say that a bit differently:

But he is not rich, got it?

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“22-Year Old Who Successfully Impersonated Lesser Trumps Charged With Fraud”

Headline initially made me wonder if Alec Baldwin and the guys on SNL who do the spot-on Don Jr. & Eric “impersonations” were going to be next …
But, no this was not that kind of “impersonation” … was not comedy, not farce, not entertainment or political expression - it was fraud - purely misrepresentation for the purpose of theft. No sympathy for him … and frankly his misdeeds aren’t worthy of this much attention.
… and if he cynically tries to claim that he was just engaging in “political expression” hope he gets rejected. He’s just a crook … and attempting to abuse the “freedom of expression” concept weakens it - just like those assholes from Veritas do when they perpetrate their abuses.


It’s similar to the Lesser Antilles. It’s lesser than the Greatest:


Didn’t Trey Parker and Matt Stone do a deepfake series impersonating the big grifter himself, and I imagine they made a lot more money off that impersonation? Stupid people wanting to donate to the Trumpverse… sounds like the last five years.


Impersonating “Lesser Trumps” is probably not as traumatic for the impersonator
… have heard that those that do imitate the Grand Orange One - have to take an hour long hot soapy shower and drink a quart of Listerine to try to cleanse themselves … those doing the “Lessers” can just get away with downing a pint of Jack Daniels.


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