Despite his absence on the Nevada caucuses ballot next week, Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has taken over the discourse surrounding the 2020 presidential election.
Pile on Bloomberg all you want but he is so far above Trump on the evolutionary scale that his faults are much less then “The Donald’s”.
Learn from Bloomberg. What he is saying maybe closer to what main stream American’s want.
Go slightly left.
So what if he wouldn’t be here without his money? He does have the money and he might have the best formula to beat Trump – “moderate” policies and, well, unlimited funds. For the record, I’m not a huge fan.
Like it or not, this is what’s most important these days. Or people can continue to follow their hearts and put Bernie through to not only badly lose the Presidential race, but also cost us House and Senate seats (not to mention, I could see a Manchin party switch).
I think Democrats are impressed with his ads and the way he’s taking the fight directly to Trump. There’s certainly a lesson in that for the eventual Democratic nominee.
I think Democrats supporting him are doing it largely because of the electability factor, which is a mistake, in my view. I see little other reason to support a guy who was against the ACA, against fair tax policies, espoused racist “stop and frisk” policies, and behaved in a misogynistic manner.
Democrats are so anxious to beat Trump, they’ll coalesce around the eventual nominee, no matter who it is, with the possible exception of the Bernie bro’s. But my point is electability is no reason to support Bloomberg. He himself has stated he would support the eventual nominee, even if it were Bernie or Warren, people whose financial policies he rejects.
I really hope Democrats choose an actual, you know, Democrat.
"Vell, de hiks will not understand my outfit, zo I vill ‘gussy it up’ vith this so ugly belt vith ze lace. It does not go vizz it, yes, but zey are too stoopid.
Doesn’t she ever get tired of that one hairstyle? It’s always the same every time. So boring.
People, especially, “centrist” or “moderate” types, are drawn to Bloomberg like flies to…
Behold the magnetism of a white pugnacious rich male. Stupidity in action. Still, it would be good if he keeps spending his money thrashing Trump.
It’s the primaries and like every primary since the lord produced the two party system they will be sniping at each other. I don’t care, it happens every election. But more importantly the overwhelming top priority of the enlightened electorate is to defeat the president*. I don’t care which candidate it is, as long as they beat Trump.
So let’s not worry too much about comparing one candidate against the other, weigh them vs Trump. In that light whatever it was that Bloomberg said is pale by comparison.