MOSCOW (AP) — Two Russian doctors have died and one remains in the intensive care unit in serious condition after falling out of windows in hospitals under mysterious circumstances.
Dr. Alexander Shulepov, an ambulance doctor from the Voronezh region, 500 kilometers (310 miles) south of Moscow, fell out of a window in a hospital early Saturday where he was being treated for COVID-19, breaking several ribs and sustaining a skull fracture.
But his Coronavirus symptoms have disappeared… relatively speaking. Sounds like another potential miracle cure for Doctor Donny to peddle.
And this is only the beginning in Russia. They tried the route of denial and obfuscation. Now the piper is demanding payment. Wherever we live…these kinds of things have to be exposed and challenged…I’m afraid correction is probably beyond any of us…sometimes, stupid rules.
NORMANDY (AP) - Many soldiers were disembarking from boats when suddenly encountering lead pellets flying through the air, quite a few of the unfortunates fell to the soft sand. There may be a relation, or some cause to these small projectiles that can sometimes embed themselves in the body, but (AP) is not here to explain, only narrate.
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt buys her hats from NYC Department stores and prefers maroon veiling.
The safety–or lack of it–of Russian construction standards, particularly the installation and maintenance of windows calls into question the claim to be a first-world nation.
Funny how so many people seem to have “accidentally” fallen out of windows, consumed polonium and shot themselves in the back of the head ever since Putin took over. And now all these Covid deaths in Russia, so obviously the work of his devious and very nasty very low IQ enemies, who hate him. Just proves how far his enemies are willing to go to make him look bad. Hopefully the Russian people will continue to see what a strong and tremendous bigly leader he is. Make Russia Great Again–Like Pyotr!
Suicides or murder. In Russia, I would place my bet on murder. I see the Russians are short of PPE. I guess Putin put Jared in charge of finding PPE for Russian hospitals too. He did such a great job in the US.
In the classic European definition of First World…they’ve never been. That term was used to group nations that wee in the USA’s orbit. The Second World ( never used in the USA ) was for those in Russia’s sphere. Nonaligned were the Third World. That’s how we used the terms in Europe. In the USA they seem to be more economic than political.
In a disaster like this, the distinction between suicide and murder is mostly without a difference. Whether you go yourself or at the hand of the thugs waiting for you (or as a result of the virus), you still go.