Discussion: Why Letting Trump Be Trump Is Killing His General Election Prospects

When he says he gets his best advice from himself, that’s not metaphorical. The man’s psychotic.


“(4) he simply collapses all at once like the USSR in the late 80’s”

Then whatever is left at that point will be referred to as rump Trump.



What are you going on about now?


Maybe he didn’t exactly “pivot,” but he did run a loathsome campaign devoid of any substance. That was the year of Willie Horton and flag factories.


I have to admit I’m beginning to worry again. Trump is so obviously toast that it’s going to be hard to motivate some democrats to go out and vote. Which spells trouble for downballot races. And might even spell trouble for the presidential vote if turnout is low enough. Because you know those dead-enders will vote.


“While Trump had promised Priebus that he would call two dozen top GOP donors, when RNC chief of staff Katie Walsh recently presented Trump with a list of more than 20 donors, he called only three before stopping, according to two sources familiar with the situation.”

Anyone want to take a guess why he stopped after three? I am gong with that those three all had something they REALLY wanted to say to Trump…and he doesn’t like that.

“I don’t think we are going to take a lot of political advice from Priebus,” a campaign official said. “From my perspective, we should not be relying on the RNC for much, because I’m not sure they are fully supportive yet,” the campaign official said, adding “but we hope and expect to soon be on the exact same page.”

This from a campaign that has no organization to speak of and is looking to the RNC to provide that instead.

Its an interesting read, but a few key points like these just pop out at me, and underlie the real reason that his General Election prospects are being killed.

Its one thing to say “I am not going to run a traditional campaign…because I have a different strategy”. But what Trump’s campaign is saying is “I am not going to run a traditional campaign…and I have no strategy. And its everybody else’s fault”


I can see it now. Trump is on the networks explaining how he could still win “swing state” Mississippi if “my David Duke supporters can get 90% of the moonshine vote from upstate.” When the moderator points out that if he wins MS (“where he is behind by 50,000 votes”) it is not a swing state since it would be his only win, Trump says his 49 state loss and DC is all a lie perpetrated by the Washington Post “because they never liked me.”


that isn’t satire


I’m guessing a combination of that and the self-entitled ‘ok, I put in a token effort. Now work to get me money, minion.’

All that is true. He pushed the “thousand points of light” pablum as well. People kinda bought into that nonsense, don’t know why. Poor Dukakis allowed himself to be caricatured as a weakling, Massachusetts Librul wearing the oversized helmet while in a tank. There was the ball game.

Drumpf’s “thousand points of light” are the fires started by roving bands of murderous “browns.” Be afraid of the “browns,” vote for the crazy guy! That kind of of “inflammatory” crap isn’t quite as comforting (or believable) as GHW Bush’s pap.


Trump is being Trump because that is who he is.

His narcissism won’t permit him to use any other approach to the only task important to him, which is to convince others that his view of reality is the only valid one.

His condition makes him unable to entertain the possibility that his perception is out of whack with reality, so instead of adjusting to accommodate the feedback he is getting, which suggests that others disagree with his views, he finds it necessary to increase the volume and intensity of his assertions of “rightness,” and attack anyone who presumes to see things differently than he does.

I believe that he is constitutionally unable to approach things any other way, so I suspect that far from trying to position himself to bail, he will continue to escalate even when it becomes clear to everyone except perhaps the few devoted followers upon whom he has yet to turn because of their apparent unfaithfulness (from his perspective) that he is immersed in a perceived reality quite different from that of anyone else’s experience.

Even then his perceived failure to carry the day will only intensify his rhetoric and other attempts to “convert” the world to his point of view.

I doubt that any other narcissist has had quite the resources or the opportunity to get away with advancing his narcissistic view to anywhere near the extent that Mr. Trump has, so he is likely to be the quintessential academic case study of narcissism taken to extremis, perhaps only to be quieted when he becomes a threat to himself as well as others and is carted away in a straitjacket to finally isolate him from the rest of the world in the futile hope that when confronted with silence and professional treatment he will gain a little perspective on reality.

He may well provide the impetus to trigger a review of treatment modalities for Narcississm, and thus, unwittingly advance the cause of mental health and. derivatively, the nation and even world, that he came so close to destroying.


How come “without the charm”? Don’t you see that smile on the picture? I wonder how many hours/days he had to work with a trainer to learn that fake smile.

I had forgotten about the 1000 points of light. Argh!

I hated the Republicans before 1988, but after that election I really began to hate them. Still, I never would have dreamed they could become as utterly vile and loathsome and destructive as they are today.


The narcissism definitely plays into it, but Donald’s never been quite this self-immolating before. I suspect a scam, centering around the fact that he did no fundraising during the primaries, and didn’t spend his own money… he loaned his money to the campaign.

Which means that when the RNC raises money, that money’s going to pay off the Trump campaign debt… to Trump. So what are the terms of the loan? How barely-legal (or illegal) is the interest rate?

Trump’s motives have always been ego, and money. Mark Cuban pointed out that the reason for all the licensing is that Trump is constitutionally incapable of not going for the payday. So what if he figured out how to make the campaign profitable? He flirted with the idea in 2012, remember. What if he was just waiting for an even weaker field of candidates?

If that’s his game, that’s why he can’t release his 2015 return - it’d have the details of the loans on it.


And to set up his own Truman show where he’s the president.

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Trump had my crazy aunt at hello. There just aren’t enough people like her to beat Hillary. His recent comments are really solidifying Bernie’s voters for Hillary.

He would be well advised to leave the Alex Jones demographic alone for a while and try to win support from people who aren’t bat shit crazy.


Understandable, but I suspect you underestimate the power of narcissism to distort perception and drive behavior.


“We have to have our Republicans either stick together or let me just do it by myself. I’ll do very well. I’m going to do very well. OK? I’m going to do very well. A lot of people thought I should do that anyway, but I’ll just do it very nicely by myself,” Trump said…

Trump suffers from delusions of grandeur. He’s also acting schizophrenic. Anyone who would willing vote for a sociopath has mental problems of their own.

Voters need to take this in consideration when they cast their vote down the ballot. The GOP leadership from Ryan to McConnell has endorsed Trump. All Republican candidates for other offices on the ballot in November say they will vote for him. That’s just irresponsible if not sick in its own right.

The man is a demagogue who wants to be a dictator. He’s telling Congress and the Courts to shut up and let him alone handle “it” whatever that is supposed to mean.


And he may have to confront his mental decline. Sad. Alzheimer’s is becoming an epidemic. All the drugs we taken for blood pressure, even antihistamines, play into this. Meanwhile, he’s held up a mirror to his party. You have to see it, accept it, to begin to heal.

Pokey, I know it’s been tough lately. Your boy was a phenom in the minors but when he got to the big leagues he started stumbling bigly with the same moves that used to work. Sad! But I thought this video would cheer you up. You can imagine yourself the, uh, protagonist! Ha ha just kiddin’ bud we all loves ya.

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