Discussion: What Would Happen To Premiums If The Court Ruling Against Obamacare Stands?

Discussion for article #225384

we need to get the kochsuckers outta health care and go to single payer


Let this ruling return to the supreme court on appeal. It is a perfect juxtaposition of the Court crafting a special exemption for the states and another lower court denying that wriggle room.

For those wet hens who complain about the process, single payer was not possible and these battles should at least convince you. Down the road, yes, but right now we are building this road.


Yeah! Then President Romney will really be able to get some things done after that happens.


This will be reversed when it is appealed to the full circuit. Republicans at least better hope so, because if not, you have 8 million highly motivated voters not inclined to vote for them


Throwing millions of people off their new-found health insurance on a technicality is not good politics… a reality the GOP is going to face.


I’m in Louisiana, and the ones who did apply for Obamacare are those who wouldn’t have voted for them in the first place. The ones who do and don’t have employer insurance didn’t even apply despite penalties. That’s not what’s going to provide political pressure

Eventually healthcare costs will be so ridiculously high in these states compared to states that do implement Obamacare they’ll have to. It’s exactly what happened when states refused to implement Medicaid. We’re repeating that process because of the Supreme Court’s prior decision.


So people in LA really choose to go without health care because of politics? That’s pretty astonishing. Worse than whatever happens to those uninsured zealots, the rest of you who have health care are paying for the others with higher premiums. Do they suppose that Barack Obama, who has insurance, gets the political message they’re sending by ultimately dying without care or bankrupting their families if something major happens?


Me thinks that there are going to be some republicans who are going to be MIGHTY unhappy to see their healthcare premiums go up.


They won’t understand it. Republicans will tell them it’s Obama’s fault, and they’ll believe it.


Judicial activism continues to be mostly a “conservative” phenomenon.


This is a drafting error. The intent of congress is clear, and that usually drives judicial review. Which it will in the en banc session, and with Kennedy’s opinion when it gets to SCOTUS. Even Roberts will likely be persuaded.


We’re talking about the same type of people who intentionally break their cars so they cause more pollution and eat more gas just to “send a message”. So of course they will sacrifice the health and financial security of their families in order “to send a message”.


They might not have voted for the ACA in the first place but now they will vote.

Republicans count on complacency at the polls to stay in power in every state they control. A riled up electorate is not good for Republicans anywhere.


I shouldn’t like to depend on Kennedy for anything.


Demos should post these charts at the end of every, and I mean every campaign ad up to '16. If they don’t we’ll get a peek behind their curtain.

Some are probably not buying insurance out of protest but have you considered that many aren’t buying it because they simply can’t afford it, despite the word “affordable” being in the title? I know if I didn’t have employee provided insurance there’s no way I could afford the premiums in my state.

So, basically, if you are poor and live in a Red State it should become increasingly clear that your state government wants you to hurry up and die.


The 4th circuit just upheld the subsides in a similar case

So…if I get this right…the states impacted the most are pretty much the states who haven’t been willing to follow the law?

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