Discussion: Trump Would Deport 'Criminal Illegal Immigrants' In First Hour Of Presidency

Sure, Uday and Qusay Drumpf have the Drumpftroopers ready and waiting, after Hair Furor takes command.


11 million deportations in the 1st hour?
That man does have ambition.
I’m curious as to how trump is gonna pay for all these deportations? I mean to just drive 11 million folks to the border and drop 'em off ain’t cheap. Just the gas bill alone. And all the vehicles needed in that hour would be staggering. Then the salaries of the drivers and guards… And the guns, we can’t forget that they all gotta be armed to the teeth.


They’d better do the reenactment on November 9 or 10 because it won’t be long after he loses and goes into a permanent enraged mode, he’ll throw her out. “It’s her fault.” I can hear it now.


Aren’t Criminal illegals all criminal all illegal if they came into this country without papers?

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What he said was that he would “begin” deporting criminals in the first hour of his Presidency. Which is something the current administration is already doing. So, taken literally, it’s a pretty meaningless statement.

But Trump seems to be attempting to thread the needle by reassuring his hard-core anti-immigrant base, who believe all “illegal immigrants” are “criminals,” that he will start throwing them out immediately (and that he is not “softening” his position), while phrasing it in such a way as to imply to more moderate voters that he’d focus on deporting those with actual criminal records.

Normally this is the point where it would make sense to ask, if that is what he is attempting, how likely is it to work? But with Trump it’s almost pointless, as he’s liable change his message again any minute. In fact it wouldn’t be surprising if he already has.

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The only shock I want Donny-Boy to get is pissing on an electric fence.


How has this man managed to stay of of jail?




Actually if there were jobs south of the border that were available and paid a living wage I’ expect that folks would prefer to stay and live there rather than risk arrest, deportation or death in the deserts of the Southwest. In past years when the economy of Mexico was in the trash some 300 + people a year died trying to walk across the border to the cities of the southwest. People don’t take this kind of risk on a lark.


If only the media were as focused on getting the facts to this simple open and closed story as they are with Hillary’s e-mails, Benghazi witch hunts, Vince Foster and all other vital pursuits! We’d know by now that Melania is an Iron Curtain hooker with a green card marriage as would every school child in America, but we won’t because that takes actual work. Sad.


O.K., but to be fair, who among us hasn’t helped lead a $40 million mafia-linked stock fraud or stabbed someone in the face with the stem of a margarita glass? C’mon, stuff happens, no big deal.



I’ve lost track of the fish… Is this a flip… or a flop ? ?

Just now —


An ashole.

Trump has said ALL immigrants are criminals.

Spiegelau? Moser? Michael Aram? Waterford?


“This man has been called everything in the book,” (Conway) said- from the article you posted.

And it would all be true in Trump’s case. There is not a day that goes by when he does not pave new ground where no man has ever gone in the Asshole Tweet galaxy.


Did I hear hair? Slideshow from Vanity Fair of how HO’s hair has evolved since 1976, lots of different colors, lots of elaborate styling to hide the baldness, and as a bonus pix of all the wives.

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Sunday show take-away: Both candidates do ‘it’. Examples shown: Clinton remarking on a fact or stating one, Trump calling names. Ugly speech claims from media still using euphemisms for ‘racism’??? Strange! Sad!


Reince Preibus on MTP.


Wait…what about turning on the water in California? I thought that was going to be his first act.

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