Discussion: Trump Spokeswoman Offers A New Explanation For '2nd Amendment' Line

It’s great that Drumpf is hiring the mentally deficient for all his top campaign slots.
Ensures they’re all simpatico with him…


Yeah, that’s the ticket… Everyone say hello again to Katrina Fla-naygen:


This is a prime example of the Teabagger mantra: “I didn’t say what I said!!!”

Jeez. And The Creamsicle sends one of his flunkies to apologize…Look, Katrina. Suppose the son I don’t have, didn’t like something you’d said and claimed that you should be shot in the face. Now, which do you think means more? Him apologizing to your face or me apologizing for something stupid my kid said?

I’m waiting for you to claim the wrong one is more important than the right one.


I think it’s more twirling than spinning. Spinning has regular rotations. Twirling is far more erratic.


It could be that the media is trying to limit the amount of exposure they give to Trump’s incitement to murder, so they don’t reify Trump’s message in the minds of those inclined to act on it.

Or, it could be that they’re too chickenshit to risk the backlash from Trump and his supporters if they report on it objectively.


Why is it that everything Trump says have to be explained as

" What he really meant was…"

That is getting really old.


Trump predicted that it will be horrible when the second amendment people respond to Clinton’s supreme court pick. That doesn’t seem to square with the idea of all the unified people with amazing spirit reveling in their political power.


Trump “its means whatever you want it to mean, except for the bad thing. Victory!”


I am constantly amazed that legitimate news outlets even have contact with this woman. Both she and Trump are liars. The difference is that Trump is too stupid to carry it off. She, however will whore herself with any words necessary.

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Trump: “There is one and only one explanation, and whatever it is, it is the best one. The best. The. best. Who can give me the best explanation? Who?”


We need to stop with the “horrible day” accusation. Here is the complete quote:

Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if – if – Hillary gets to put her judges in. .

Here’s the video of the whole thing in context. This section is roughly the first 30-60 sec.

ETA: It’s clear from the video that the Second Amendment sentence is an aside, and pretty much a joke, within the larger framework of the speech. The audience laughs, etc. It’s a pretty calm speech for him, actually.

Point is, what he said was wrong and reprehensible, particularly from a presidential candidate, but don’t over characterize the remark as a call for violence. It certainly doesn’t appear as such in the video, and it does no good to exaggerate.


Donnie Drumpf: “Making America Regurgitate Again


Keep explaining…keep explaining…as another day goes by. The clock keeps ticking down and he’s done very little to advance his positions in the minds of voters.

All because Trump is running the most undisciplined campaign in modern history.


It doesn’t matter. The words have already been spoken, and the crazies who will take this literally will not care how the campaign spins those words.


He could have been making a save. Why the pause after “horrible day”?
Maybe he realized he had to switch gears.
It’s a moot point. Obviously he was dogwhistling for assassination.


Good grief, dear sweet Katrina, bless her little heart, just can’t quite land on one “explanation” can she? Must have inhaled too many fumes from all of her “beauty” products. At least they did have some effect … just not quite what she thought it would be, though.

Seriously, I’m beginning to think that the Trump campaign is really an outreach of the Second City Comedy troupe … unfortunately, they aren’t funny.


Trump said when she appoints " judges ", not Justices. There is a huge difference. He obviously not aware of that.

Most Supreme court justices were never judges.

You just keep thinkin’, Butch…

Retcon Artist

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When confronted with an electoral map that is rapidly turning blue, a panicked GOP has announced plans to stage an intervention with their candi…

(What? They did that last week? Oh.)

(clears throat)

The GOP is happy to announce that, in keeping with Hollywood trends, they’re releasing Trump 3.0: The Reboot, Redux, starring an all-female cast, including Melania Trump as Miche…

(what now? she did? really? crap.)

(walks away from the mic)

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