Discussion: Trump Says He Thought Presidency 'Would Be Easier'

I’m at a loss to whether this guy can think long-term.

(1) You would assume that if he has a lot to hide that the last thing he would want would be for the Democrats to take the House in 2018 (Schiff and Cummings with subpoena power). But, he’s killing the Republican moderates’ chances of getting re-elected every time he wants to talk about repealing ACA or a wall (that requires using imminent domain along the border).

(2) It’s probably fair to assume that this guy cares a lot about putting his name on stuff, maybe more than anything else in the world. Unless he completely cucks out while still in office (and pulls off a major PR win in spinning Russia collusion contrition if guilty), he shouldn’t expect his grandchildren to use his last name in adulthood or when they have children. That should be pretty clear already if they want to continue to live in a large city like NYC, but even Trump counties would consider his name toxic in a couple decades if he succeeded in repealing ACA without succeeding in bringing back coal jobs. (I get that he probably doesn’t consider himself in danger of succeeding in ACA repeal.) There’s also answering for damage to the environment.

I wonder if he could be influenced by a website monitoring the probability that 1+ of his under 30-yo descendants in 2050 will use his last name if the website gained enough popularity. (It would be the greatest pavlovian conditioning success of all time.)

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And we all called this as soon as he threw his comb-over into the ring (or is it really a toupee?).

I posted many times last year when people claimed that Trump would drop out of the race or said that he did not really want to be President that: “Yes he did. He really, really wanted to be President. He just had not intention of doing the job of President.”

Good to see this finally dawn on the so-called CINC.

What a very, very good brain. Very.


My take on him at this point is that, while he’s waking up to some truths (“this president thing is hard”), he still suffers under the delusion that he is smarter than everyone else combined. He has been surrounded by paid sycophants his whole life and is unable to accept the reality that when he doesn’t pay people to love him, they won’t. He also thinks that the blustering that worked when he was essentially a sideshow and a person of no real consequence is going to continue to work for him. They don’t and it won’t.

He’s 70 years old and has been drinking his own koolaid for decades.

It’s gonna be hard, if not impossible, to rewire the cauliflower between his ears.

ETA: You could almost feel sorry for him – he’s only just waking up to the fact that the house of cards in which he has been living is falling down around his ears. The emperor not only has no clothes, he has a fat, wrinkly, old body.


Technically speaking, of course, they are. British royalty has no legal status in relation to Americans. Social status is a different thing, of course, and I don’t think you can get much more of a contrast than between Trump spawn and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

But they are used to the difficulties of dealing with ANYBODY in a calm and even charming manner. Representing the best of British culture and politesse is their job, after all.

I think it’s his arrogance that’s laid bare. He honestly believed that he was smarter, tougher, stronger, etc. than all the other presidents before him, especially the last one. He thought his business experience meant he could just waltz right in, put the right people in place, and the whole thing would just hum along like a well-oiled machine. It never occurred to him that President Obama is a brilliant person who, despite his very best efforts, still couldn’t some things done. Nah, to PP, Obama is just a stupid, shiftless, lazy N(clang).


The first 100 according to The Simpsons…


Cry me a river, you stupid jackass…


I think the guy that sells oranges on the corner of Wilshire & San Vicente Blvd. has a better grasp of how government works than this douche bag.


Ok. You’re right about that. I don’t give a rat’s ass about those who didn’t vote.They can talk to the hand.

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If Dems take the House next year, I think it’s quite possible he’ll bow out. Maybe he won’t actually resign and leave office, but I can totally see him pretty much bowing out and spending most all his time at MaL.


More likely.

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It also seems he expected the press would swoon and adoring crowds would appear everywhere, just like getting good ratings on The Apprentice. He thought that magically, when he was crowned, everybody would cheer “long live trump!” and automatically love him and swear fealty. Now he’s disappointed that didn’t happen.

Apparently he’s just that stupid.


“I was told there’d be no math and reading.”


No, I don’t think anything would make it easier for him. He’s just not capable. He’s lazy, ignorant and incurious. He might also be on the cusp of dementia. There was no way he would ever have been able to do this job.


I still don’t get this though. He harassed Obama nonstop. How did he think that the public would treat him like he’s king of the world?

I really don’t get that. I would if he hadn’t spent 8 years making Obama’s presidency as miserable as he could.


To quote Bill Maher, “Whiny little bitch.” Don, we would all understand if you decided to do a Sarah Palin. Please.


He won’t quit until he’s lowered his taxes and changed enough regulations to favor his businesses. He’s got Russian mobsters to repay.


ROTFL. Lots of Trump mockery packed into a minute.


His fake-presidency is a direct result of the dumbing down of America. Every other POTUS was fundamentally serious about the office and knew what they were getting themselves into and the electorate wanted seriousness. Now, who the fuck knows? After almost two decades of FOX and Reality TV, this is the result.


Yeah and I thought Matt and Trey had sworn off trying to write anything about President Trump because the situation was too absurd to parody.

I’m glad they changed their minds.

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