Discussion: Trump Pokes Fun At VA Chief, Mouths 'You're Fired' Catchphrase (VIDEO)

They’re already using this on Fox as the most positive thing to say about him.

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If you lie down with the dogs…

Well, I guess Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, so all is well

5 months - 43 to go…

Vets will believe it when Republicans slip a knife in their backs.

I shudder to think how he would treat a dog. He’s bad enough with his appointees.

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Wonder if he’ll fire the captain of the Fitzgerald?

Obviously, Donny-Two-Scoops thinks everyone working in the government are his dogs now.

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I have always said that the founding fathers we not such geniuses after all.

Someone’s recommended Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States to me. It’s considered an alternative to what we’ve been taught but perhaps it’s the truth.

Haw haw haw

Well, we’ve all been accused of swearing by Howard Zinn, so I guess we’d better read it. I always thought he was a phenomenon of the Chicago area, hardly the mastermind of the left he is held out to be. I only heard about him when Obama got elected.
Yes, I’m that desperate that I am contemplating reading a book. The horror that is Trump slouches on.

The recommendation if that’s what it was came from someone from Chicago, but that’s irrelevant. I’ve read the first chapter which is on the treatment Native Americans received at the hands of European settlers beginning with Columbus whom we honor with a holiday. It was barbaric and meant to destroy their civilizations Read the right book and it’ll take you to a world far away from the current upset. I end my day with a book, always.

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