Discussion: Trump: 'I Don't Have Thin Skin!' (VIDEO)

In the end Trump will be given a desk in the basement and his own stapler. Of course the stapler will be gold plated and his name will be written on it on a piece of tape.

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This just in on Electoral Vote website to-day:

[Scholars Say Trump Could Threaten Rule of Law
Legal experts, including conservative ones, are afraid that the election of Donald Trump could threaten the rule of law in the United States. When Donald Trump attacked federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel (who was born in Indiana) as a “Mexican” for making public documents in the Trump University fraud case, law professor David Post, who writes for the conservative-leaning Volokh Conspiracy blog said: “This is how authoritarianism starts, with a President who does not respect the judiciary.” Georgetown law professor Randy Barnett, who architected the first challenge to “Obamacare” said: “You would like a President with some idea about constitutional limits on presidential powers, on congressional powers, on federal powers and I doubt he has any awareness of such limits.” Ilya Shapiro, a lawyer with the libertarian Cato Institute said: “Who knows what Donald Trump with a pen and phone would do?” In short, even conservative lawyers and law professor are worried that Trump would just trample the Constitution and the law to achieve his goals. He might just ignore court rulings and just do what he wants to and that would be the end of democracy in America. When the criticism comes from conservative lawyers, there is a problem here. (V)]

Here we are going to have to see just how much the pull of money blinds the MSM to a force (namely Trump) which will not only destroy the country and the world, but the MSM itself (because, unlike what is believed by Les Moonves of CBO news, the MSM happens to operate IN a world outside of his corporate meetings)

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In honor of Muhammad Ali, here is a plan for Hillary -
Today is June 4
… poke, stick, jab …move… poke, stick, jab …move… make Trump furiously flail his tiny little hands in frantic dramatic defensive gestures … not taking him out - but removing his facade, eroding his defenses, and progressively grinding away on him,
rinse & repeat relentlessly for the next 6 weeks

send him into the GOP convention July 18–21, 2016 - tarnished - suspect - smelling rancid - but with the GOP having no recourse but to hold their nose, go through the motions of the coronation, and then run outside and epically barf in a trash can.

Then relentlessly unleash the torrent - with relentless pressure - (but with constantly alternating focal points to keep it fresh & keep Trump in ‘reaction mode’) - politically rend asunder any viability that Trump might ever have had, see to it that 87% of the country views Trump as truly absolutely mentally unfit for any position of governmental responsibility - the political pot should be constantly boiling at a level where significant GOP figures openly acknowledge that they have embraced an asshole & discuss the viability of attempting to replace their candidate - but despair at the reality that it is simply not feasible due to time and procedural technicalities.

Concurrent with relentlessly unleashing the torrent on Trump - repetitively pound the GOP Senate & House races - with constantly alternating targets & utilize an All-Star cast of varying 'Stars" & a consistently intense local operations.

no let-up until the echo of the final bell!


What a magnificent post.

Conservatives like this, if they genuinely believe their own thoughts, will have to stop the ‘nuanced’ phrasing - and put down their pipes, take off their smoking jackets, climb out of their big leather chairs and cut the crap!
They have to stop opining about Trump and saying that they “doubt he has any awareness of such limits” - they have to wake-the-F-up, stop tippy-toing around reality and acknowledge that ‘awareness’ is now not really the issue - it is that Trump, most emphatically does not give a crap about ‘such limits’

These conservative have to pull their heads out of the end of their lower digestive tract - - Trump absolutely has a rudimentary functional ‘awareness’ of the historical traditions of ‘constitutional limits on presidential powers, on congressional powers, on federal powers’ - it is not ‘awareness’ that is the problem - it is that fundamentally Trump does not respect any of this process - he is brazenly selling the hubris that he and he alone will simply come in and make the rules - ‘be the law in town’ . He is serving up this crazed power tripping mountain of nonsense - and is emphatically conveying the he “does not give a F about what the rules are - he is just gonna do what he sees as right”

Trump is a cartoonish Machiavellian - just a simplistic “might makes right” … “if I can get away with it - then I must be right” kind of power freak - and he sees “rules” simply as things that pose as obstacles for fools who are stupid enough to feel compelled to abide by them.


My dread of Trump comes from four things:

  • MSM not being able (or willing) to rigourously combat him

  • Hidden (unknown to political strategists) millions of Trump voters

  • The still casual air toward Trump (outside of sites like this one)

  • “Nuanced” speech of those in the public eye who should be speaking of Trump in the manner of the demagogic fascist that he is

Of the four, I am most afraid of the second one–because there is no control for that. Affinity for Trump is a fact of life, however “unreasonable” it may seem. It is borne of emotion. It has been stoked by years years and years of FOX and Talk Radio hate


This is probably not the case, but we cannot rule it out:

The combined wealth of Bill and Hillary Clinton is currently estimated at $111 million. The wealth of Trump seems to be less than one billion dollars, based on actual (not self-reported) data, and we do not know how much debt he is carrying (in the past he has actually been worth less than nothing).

It is within the realm of possibility that he is actually worth less than the Clintons.

Much has been made of how Trump is a threat to Hillary Clinton because he is an unconventional candidate, normal rules do not apply, and that he will wage asymmetric warfare against a conventional campaign.

I think Hillary Clinton has demonstrated here the counter-strategy, the asymmetric warfare against asymmetric warfare.

Trump’s narcissism is absolute, he is incapable of seeing it, incapable of escaping it. He has no good graces. He has no power of self-reflection.

Exploit those weaknesses. Get inside his head. Make him overreact, make it obvious he is dancing to her tune.

Trump can get away (thus far) with saying insane, contradictory things - but he succeeds by doing it with bluster, with bullying. If he appears reactive and vulnerable to slights his “big man” persona collapses.


I Don’t Have Thin Skin!

Says the man who applies SPF100 sunscreen to his internal organs

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By Trump’s definition, Saddam Hussein had thick skin and a great temperament because he was a leader of entire country, or Bernie Madoff because he ran a huge business for many years.


Your post (in full) absolutely nails my concerns about this election. That second one, the “closet” Trumpists, are my biggest fear, combined with those “Stepford” voters who just pull the Republican lever no matter what, and never ever think about consequences.

While recent events seem encouraging, I really don’t think Trump’s downfall is that simple, or going to happen that fast if at all. We’re projecting based on our own way of thinking, and those who may vote for him simply do not think that way. The knot in my gut won’t go away until Trump is gone.


The only thing thick about tRump is his skull.

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That he responded the way he responded is proof positive that he is thin skinned…and he ‘s too effin’ -------stupid, ignorant, self-absorbed, and immature to admit it…

The JustinBieber of politicians…


From the evidence, no. It appears he is confusing it with “righteous anger” or “toughness” or something, and not a term referring to the overall steadiness of a person’s mind and emotions.

Even bigger. How about “an ego bigger than the far side of the Horse Nebula”?

I DON’T, I DON’T, I DON’T! Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!

“Well, I don’t have thin skin,” Trump protested. "I have very strong and thick skin.

It’s also very classy skin. Plus, I have a beautiful crop of hair, Gloria Allred would be very impressed with my penis and I have the best words."

All claims Von Clownstick has ACTUALLY made.

‘Hair’ remark - March 6, 2012, Fox & Friends
Talkin’ bout his junk - April 4, 2014, Politico
‘Words’ remark - Dec. 30, 2015, CNN

Sorry tRump: it is a well-known fact that Orange skin is VERY thin!

That Mark Cuban-produced vid of Trump clips to “Billionaire” is funny. What’s scary, though, are some of the comments found on your link. One delusions Trumpeteer states that “Cuban is on welfare compared to Trump!”

Lincoln was so right - “You can fool some of the people all of the time.”


I keep waiting for someone to mention Josh’s “bitchslap theory” of politics to him. I firmly believe he would not be able to stop himself from answering that “some bitches deserve to be slapped.”

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