Discussion: Trump Hitches Himself To Giuliani’s ‘Collusion Is Not A Crime’ Defense

he he …




“Breaking the law isn’t a crime.” - Rudy Giuliani. The Onion.


I was really struck by something said on a podcast I was listening to last night, I think it was 538’s discussion of Lawfare’s seven-versions-of-l’affaire-Russe. People react to some of this news in inverse proportion to the weight of evidence (perhaps, my interpretation, because it’s so outlandish and bombastic to think they’d do this stuff out in the open).

When a candidate literally says, in broad daylight on national television, in front of God and everybody, “Hey Russia, please hack Hillary’s emails”, and then Russia hacks those emails, that is prima facie collusion! Of course his campaign colluded with the Russians! If he’s willing to say it on TV, what is he willing to say privately? Not that he even had to say anything privately. We assume, because any rational adult would conceal this activity, that it must be concealed. What if it wasn’t? What if that was all it took, Trump saying on stage “hey Russia, please help my campaign”?

If the WaPo ran an article that said “three NSA sources who asked not to be named because they are not authorized to speak to the media reported that Donald Trump asked the Russians to hack Clinton’s email serves”, this would be taken more seriously than what we all saw in broad daylight.

It happened. It was right in front of us. To say otherwise is absurd.


That is true. I have never found the crime of “breaking the law” in law books.


So, if collusion is not a crime and a president cannot obstruct justice (as the esteemed Rudy has pronounced) …

Then I guess you can go ahead with that interview with Mueller, with no restrictions or pre-conditions.

As you would say yourself, “What have you got to lose?”


We did it and it’s awesome!

Sounds just like Don Jr.
Looks like we’ve come full circle, back to the ‘I love it’ news. Difference is, ain’t no news article to argue away this time – this is the Drumpf camp’s own admission.
Gotta think something else is coming down the pike and they’re trying to prime public perceptions ahead of the fact so’s they can win this one in the court of public opinion.
Will that verdict make any difference to Bob Mueller?
After a year of his silence, I kinda think not.


I don’t think Robert’s’ message centered on Trump’s sins and propensities, but on the lack of insight by nany of those in the news media who attempt to seek rationality when there is previous little to be had.


Exactly, sex is not a crime. Sex against one’s will or ability to consent is a crime. I can collude with you to pull off a surprise birthday party. It’s illegal however to conspire to pull off, say, the St. Valentine’s Day massacre.


Collusion IS NOT a crime. And ANYWAY, hitlary and the Demonrats DID IT so whY no investigation? why aren’'t they being prosecuted?


Thanks for the reading!


“Rep. Steve Cohen predicted that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is going to indict Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. for their direct involvement in the Russia conspiracy.”

If he does it today, he can beat the July reporting deadline. And, Republicans in Congress would appreciate it since they’re going on August recess and could avoid questions from the Washington media (although those pesky constituents might have a few questions for them back home).


Here’s my take:

When are the Ds and media and Trump opponents going to stop pussy-footing around and recognize the game Trump is playing and just beat him at it?

That game is “Allegations are the same as proof against you, and denials are enough for allegations against me.”

So when he says “no collusion”, the answer is “treason with and for Russia”. When he says Mueller is conducting a witch hunt, the answer is “Trump is a crime boss”. When they say “no evidence”, the answer is that Trump asked Russia to hack. When Trump says someone is a liar, the answer is “takes one to know one”.

Mueller hands are tied in this battle since he can’t respond. But the rest of us aren’t limited and we can declare Trump guilty and demand the Rs in Congress impeach him. When we get push back – even from Ds – we can remind them that while we hate the idea Pence will be president and he’s a Republican last time we checked.



Exactly! If ever this stuff comes to trial, Rudy is going to have a very hard time when his entire Merriam-Webster-based defense falls apart in the first 30 seconds.


He also tweeted this today. What will we watch and read when they’re gone?

And, why does he enjoy watching the damage they do to so many innocent and decent people? Isn’t he getting satisfaction from all of that he’s doing himself?


Trying to convince the faithful masses that a crime is not a crime.



That’s because your hypothetical is harder to misframe. Trump often presents his most vicious and corrupt wishes as “jokes” for which he has what I’ll call implausible deniability.


FOX: If you dont collude, you cannot win as Democrats control everything.
Trump: Collusion is in our constitution. Its a must if you are white.

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I’d like to think that defining the scope of the investigation as “collusion” was purposeful, in that it is not a specific crime on the books. If the scope was defined as “conspiracy”, that would be pretty limiting.


So Hillary and Democrats that colluded aren’t guilty of crime either?

Edit: He so incredibly fucked in the head and every day does something even more fucked up that before and he is the god damned president of the United States of America…what. the. fuck. people, what. the. fuck!

Edit 2: Speaking of fucked heads…It’s like these guys, Trump and Rudy especially, don’t know we can play back all the stupid shit they’ve said from minutes to years ago or something?

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