Discussion: Stormy Daniels' Lawyer Tells TPM: We Both Fear For Our 'Physical Safety'

I get really sick of seeing these right-wingers referring to Stormy Daniels as a cheap, publicity-seeking, money-hungry whore.
About the only difference between Stormy Daniels and Melania Trump is a pre-nup and a gold spray-painted penthouse in Manhattan.


I’m not fully apprised of all Trump’s dirty dealings, but he seems to be more of a metaphorical leg breaker, primarily pushing expensive, frivolous lawsuits than actual physical harm. He and his attack dogs (like Michael Cohen) are all bark, no bite.

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I would worry about what the effect is of this sleazy sexual scandal on poor, poor Barron Trump, but why should I? - since the Christianists say that his father boinking a porn star right after he was born is honky-fucking-dory, and that the AR-15-Totin’ Neon Baby Jesus wholeheartedly approves. Hey people! Shit like this happens in the Bible all the time, and as long as it doesn’t happen to two people of the same sex, or any of those godless Democrats that Rick Saccone loved to whine about, it’s perfectly - if you’ll excuse the Jesus-killing-people term - “kosher”.


Re-posted from Another Thread:

It strikes me as significant that she didn’t issue a denial and distanced herself from any knowledge of the story. I don’t think she’s lying here. I don’t think she wanted to know and Trump, oddly enough, didn’t vent over it. Normally, when he is exorcised about something (like crowd size, collusion, etc), he demands and dictates what he wants said at the presser and prepares for a meltdown if he doesn’t get what he wants.

Cohen has a reputation on the street for Sopranos style tactics when he’s squeezing people. Trump is probably aware of his standard practice and is going to let Cohen take the fall. They’re afraid of Avenatti. If he is telling people that Stormy was threatened during the negotiations or thereafter, that would invalidate the contract (as well as open up other potential charges). That Trump or Cohen isn’t fighting back for the moment is noteworthy to me. At this point, even a subsequent denial should be viewed as tactical, not substantive or factual. They fear that Avenatti has evidence that he can supply to create an issue of fact at trial.

UPDATE: Based on Josh’s interview and some interviews with other networks, Avenatti has said or indicated the following:

  • Incidents during WH Tenure - Avenatti indicated “Yes” to a question from Jake Tapper that some of the accusations alleged by Avenatti took place when Donald Trump was President. The question is broad and so it might not be limited to what is in the complaint, but incidents that are not yet submitted as part of the complaint.
  • Bad representation - Josh teased out of Avenatti that Stormy Daniels’ prior legal representation may be raised as an issue to support the argument that the contract should be invalidated. Her lawyer at the time seems to have not had his client’s best interests and may have been working with Cohen as part of a ‘catch and release’ scam without Stormy’s knowledge.
  • Intimate details - Avenatti reiterates that what gives Daniels her credibility is the level of detail she has about several incidents and is coy about whether these get to intimate/sexual encounters.
  • Physical threat/danger - Josh asks some probing questions about whether the incidents of intimidation are from random Trumper fans wearing MAGA hats or actual Trump associates. Avenatti confirms that he is talking about Trump associates who were involved in creating false narratives as well as bullying.
  • Arbitration v Litigation: Avenatti continues to insist that the contract is invalid and therefore the arbitration is invalid. I think this is his weakest argument from reading the 4 corners of the contract documents, but if the other things he has said are true, then the contract could be invalidated for reasons of public policy.

Overall, L’Affaire Stormy definitely established itself today as a higher grade threat to the Trump Presidency than previously understood. How much of a threat depends on the quality of the evidence Daniels has to present and her willingness to continue taking risks of breaching the contract (which I believe she is doing right now).

In all of today’s revelations from Avenatti, the illegal campaign donation aspect was not mentioned. I do think the facts warrant a federal investigation, whether by Mueller or a separate DOJ attorney working with the FBI.


I think the bigger danger is the nut-job who comes looking for the non-existent basement in her house carrying a loaded AR-15. There’s demonstrably a large number of folks who happen to think they’ve been poisoned by chem trails, are tracked by the Deep State and persecuted by "Evil Librulstm who whould love to help their Supreme Leader save the world and this is the sort of trigger that can do some real harm here in the real world.


C’mon, Doonie’s propensity for projection has certainly been adequately documented by now, non?


OT, but you did mention Donald Jr’s pending divorce. Vanessa Trump has just hired a criminal defense attorney to be her divorce lawyer. Interesting, no?



You might be surprised at what you can get for the one time price of an antenna. That and a streamer or smart TV; haven’t had cable for 6 years and haven’t missed it.


I got an antenna a few weeks ago and was stunned when I learned I now have 58 channels. A few are duplicates but it’s it’s more than twice what cable gives you and FREE.

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This is when you make it known publicly that in the event of death or extreme disability, the contents of a certain hard drive will be dumped direct to 4chan.


There’s a question TPM shoulda asked Avenatti. Jake Tapper asked it:

Ra Roh… two scoops might be sleeping on the couch for a while…


Neither do I, but I’m hoping Josh will do a live blog for us troglodytes. :grinning:

Speaking of which…where’s ugg? He’s going to emerge from this horror show as the only one with a shred of sanity left.


A dose of ugg would be a good thing.
edit to add
His last post was Jan 13th.


When is someone going to start a gofundme for her to cover the possible costs of the NDA if they try to bully her? People from all over the world could contribute since it wouldn’t be a political contribution.

she’s at or beyond $130K already.

Nope but add it to the list.



Ugg gone make Dommy cry.


That’s “Doonese” to you, Rowlf!

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Just like the Holy Hand-grenade of Antioch! Okay, maybe not…

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