Discussion: Spicer Implies Trump Open To Working With Democrats On Taxes, Infrastructure

Is that the one about access to pages? /snark

Ah the debt ceiling, that ought to be fun!

Wonder if the Dems are putting their wish list together to get their pound of flesh out of the situation ala the Repubes during Obama, the anti sequester if you will

Medicare for All!

Garland on the Supreme Court!

hold out for the big stuff, then screw 'em when they capitulate, that’s the model for the 21st century right? with repubes leading the way for the last decade and a half, ask them why it is different with the shoe on the other foot

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The orange faced baboon assumes the Democrats are politically suicidal, that they would willingly have their names attached to anything with Trump’s sticky fingerprints on it.

Yes, well. Here’s our plan, since you asked.

Take your planned increase in military spending — increase military just a bit over last year. Take the rest of the $54 billion, and add a few trillion for infrastructure improvements in America on systems like mass transit, science, research & development, renewable energy and climate change — figure out where the best real estate will be. (C’mon, Donald, are you really a moron or just afraid of making real money?)

Here’s a very simple, and high ROI solution.

Conservatives and businessmen like Trump are inclined toward short-term profit. Usually that means selling off a valuable national asset, and pocketing the money, instead of making the asset more valuable.

It’s the reason why Republicans economies tend to perform so badly.

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Trump likes to think he hangs out only with winners. Even though he insulted Bernie, I think he likes that Sanders has this positive vibe that no Republican does.

Donald remembers all those enthusiastic young people and Boomers his own age who attended those rock star Sanders rallies. That’s where he would like to be. He wants to be with the Cool Kids and be one of them. That’s why Bernie might be able to manipulate Donald better than Putin before this is all over.

Medicare for All is one of those signature pieces of legislation that could put Trump on a pedestal with historians. I say The Con Man will dump these FreeDumbies and go for a legacy that counts.

Donald just wants to have fun and be adored. Republicans are a drag and can’t do anything…right or wrong. Obstruction is for the lame, the uninspired and dolts.They don’t take risks nor do they do anything without plotting it out for years at the Heritage Foundation first and then run it into the ground.

Trump is ready for some excitement. He’s lost all interest in this job since taking office and having to take responsibility for getting the things done when the Republicans can’t . He wants to go out on the road again with people who feel alive and passionate about it. That’s not the Republicans. That’s Bernie, Warren and the Blacks.

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Conservatives drain the assets instead of build new capital. It’s a concept that even Donald appear to understand is a losing proposition over time. If it wasn’t for his Libertarian tax frigidity, Trump has a lot more in common with Liberals than he does with Conservatives overall…if he wasn’t such a fascist and racist at heart.

Trump doesn’t think. Period. He’s cold blooded, acts instinctively and slithers…shedding his skin and CombOver every week or two.

They can’t/won’t bring a bill to a vote unless a majority of Republicans are for it.

Sorry, I forgot the snark tag on my post.

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