Discussion: Spicer Implies Trump Open To Working With Democrats On Taxes, Infrastructure

Trump: I want help of Democrats to explode ObamaCare and Deficit. I want to be able to blame all of my failures on someone, who better than a Kenyan who is spying on me thru my microwave.


Pelosi and Schumer need to draw up a list of the top ten Trump lies and slanders that merit retractions and public apologies. If Trump complies he gets cooperation. Otherwise he can piss off.


The Democrats should offer to meet with Don the Con on the tax and infrastructure bills with an aggressive wish list. If Trump has a tantrum, they can say they tried.


218 218 218

It’s like the Senate doesn’t exist. Excellent.


Trump continued, “The Democrats wouldn’t partner with me on harming 24 million Americans so my rich buddies could get even richer, but I’m hoping the Democrats will partner with me on harming 300 million Americans so my rich buddies can get a big fat tax cut…”


Proles thinking they rate Charmin is a big part of our problems.


The President proposes and Congress disposes. Let’s see the proposal, with details. Not b.s.-it’ll be beautiful, but real actual plans. Then we can talk, Donnie…

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Whew. We’ve all been wondering what he could do or say to alienate his base. I think he just did.

There is one thing that is anathema to these folks: “work with the Democrats.”


Looks like Schumer isn’t impressed with Spicer’s explanations about Nunes.


Good: at least Trump knows now

Bad: sometimes knowledge is a dangerous thing,


he is going to be willing to listen to other voices

Um, Spicerack, he already does that. And as we have discussed, auditory hallucinations don’t count.


Schumer and Pelosi should make a public announcement that they are, and have always been, willing to work with the president to craft legislation and budgets that help him fulfill his campaign promises related to helping the American poor and middle class, like creating healthcare for all that costs less and covers more, like revising the tax code so that the wealthy are forced to pay their fair share, like passing a huge infrastructure bill to get Americans back to work.

But that they would wait until the investigations into his and his team’s possible ties to Russia to be concluded before they could start those discussions. And that his taxes must be released to the investigators to ensure that he has no financial ties to Russia that could compromise him now or in the future, including any deal to offer him a slice of Rosneft.

ETA: They should also make it clear that they will not work on any healthcare legislation that includes the word “repeal”, nor will they work on anything that they, their party, their ethics or their respect for the US Constitution objects to including any ban on Muslim entering the US or attempting to build a wall on our southern border.


In good conscience, how does one deal with a liar, someone whose word is no good, a bully who shows demonstrable scorn for others, and who has no respect for anyone’s opinion other than their own? Answer: They don’t.


Its indictative of how quickly his relationship with GOP Congress critters is cratering. They are of course, completely oblivious to the fact that those same GOP Congress critters literally have his fate in their hands vis a vis impeachment.

I can see Trump trying to figure out a way to get on the other side of things for the biggest reason to him…popularity. I don’t however see how that happens without severing himself from his voting base, and the moment he does that…Hello President Pence will be the refrain on The Hill.


Does that include a bridge that’s for sale in Manhattan?

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Umm, I forget which Amendment to the Constitution the “Hastert Rule” is, but has that been repealed yet ?


The so-called Hastert rule has been broken numerous times. It will undoubtedly be broken again when the debt ceiling is raised, because there won’t be 218 Republican votes.


Excellent. That pretty much nails it.

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“We welcome Democrats to support our bill to lower Mr. Trump’s personal taxes!” How generous of Spicy!

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