Discussion: Senate Intel Chair: 'The Unmasking Thing Was All Created By Devin Nunes'

Yes, indeed. I’d give a lot to know what he knows.

Weasel-great description!

Yup, that sums him up pretty well.

Is there anyone associated with this WH who has one shred of decency? Regrettably, Nunes comes from a very red district and his family has deep ties to the community. He will probably get reelected.

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Nice to have some good, honest words from Capitol Hill today, instead of just all the normal bs from the WH. Thanks, Senator Burr.


On Daily KOS today:
"A decades-old effort to restore water and salmon to California’s second largest river is on the chopping block under a proposal by House Republicans "


Burr deserves credit. A few people have pointed out that he could be this generations Sam Ervin.
The problem is the right wing and their media ecosystem will continue to shout the term Unmasking like they use other stuff that never happened like Clinton airport runway haircut.


These a-holes are unbelievable. I hope they see it as their last desperate attempt before the wheels fall off the GOP. Thank heavens for the Senate.


Does the House have an Ethics Committee any longer?


While these were state seats, the fact that Democrats won anything in Oklahoma is highly significant. As a reminder, this is the electoral map of Oklahoma for the 2016 presidential election:

Counties in red were carried by Trump. Those in blue were carried by Clinton. Overall, Trump won the state by 65.3% to 28.9% for Clinton.

Any Democratic victory for anything in Oklahoma is significant.


It is a shock to see Burr out Nunes, though it would not be so in normal times. It’s the kind of thing that a Senator should do, and I give him credit for doing his job (that’s where we are now in these traitorous times…thanking people for not being completely co-opted as Russian agents).

There is a movement in the Senate GOP caucus to get much further distance from Trump.
My view coming into this year is that we faced the greatest challenges from January through September because there are no major elections to make these guys accountable. I think the GOP clock is about 2 months and then the calendar shifts to 2018 (plus VA/NJ elections in Nov which are not insignificant).


Well I think so too. In fact, I found that pretty mind blowing.

And I bet the GOP did too.

Keep in mind, too, that some parts of both the House and Senate have seen classified and confidential information regarding Trump, his family, members of his administration, and his associates.
That would include intelligence from NSA, FBI and possibly from allies, and documentation from Treasury Dept. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. They absolutely have information that has not been made public.


As head of House Intel Committee, he’d have access to the names that were unmasked at Rice’s request.

One could speculate that the reason he made a freaked out late night visit to the White House might be that he saw his own name - as party to a conversation that was surveilled and recorded under a FISA warrant.


Or perhaps - his own “collusion”.


While McCarthy may be safe, Issa is not and after this whole shit storm gets some real airtime on Fox, Rohrabacher and Nunes are likely to be pegged as traitorous dupes as well. For that matter, even McCarthy knew about the gobs of rubles flooding bad faith Republican campaigns and he kept it “in the family”. Collusion is the solution to delusion.

ETA: My rep LaMalfa, is going to get hell all the way to 11/2018. He’s been getting pounded around here since January.


Reminds me of “I’m president, and you’re not.”



Thanks, Sen Burr, for unmasking Nunes as a member of the Team Trump idiocracy.


"I can do whatever I want, I’m the chairman of the committee,” Nunes said.

And then he gazed adoringly at his wallet-sized photo of Chiselin’ Trump and repeated his pledge, “You are my President. You will always be my President. You are my President.”

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