Discussion: Sanders: Voters Would Choose 'Lesser Of Two Evils' In Trump-Clinton Election

Too many of Bernie’s supporters ahve bought into the right wing propaganda about Hillary that they have pushed for over a decade now. There really is a 'vast right wing conspiracy", and those folks have bought it hook, line and sinker. I will vote for Hillary proudly as the first woman, the most experienced and the most qualified person to run for president.


Well, Sanders voters will not be choosing between Bernie or Trump, that is a fact.

Bernie knows this, he also knows that he is lying and rather than admit it, or stop lying, he is smearing everyone but himself. Of course he is conveniently ignoring the fact of what a rat he is to be badmouthing our Party’s leader, eventual nominee and the next President.
Without a doubt, there will be some large socialistic tears when Bernie doesn’t get all that he wrongly assumes that he deserves in the Clinton administration. Why me will be the theme. This is only the intermission folks, the second act is going to be a real hair raiser.


I was a Bernie supporter and voted for him in one of the early primaries, but that was before the bitterness and before his supporters started with all their crap and the 'Bernie or Bust" folks.


NO analogy Sherlock. Check the electoral votes. If Gore wins Tennessee, his home state, then he’s president.

They did it for only one reason: a belief that he would otherwise go third-party. Which he probably would have.

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There are a lot of ways to win. Then there is the way he did lose. If Nader had not gone there he would have won. That’s on Nader.


The media helped cost Gore the election. Gore was not “fun”, he didn’t roll oranges down the aisle of the plane to reporters. Gore did not bring doughnuts to the reporters. He talked about issues! What a bore!

But Nader had a lot to do with Gore’s loss.


Sorry Watson. It didn’t f^cking happen-- ergo it’s analogous.
What I described DID happen.
And in no small part-- F^cking Ralph Nader screwed an entire generation.



Personally, I don’t give a rat’s about Clinton’s gender. I’ll proudly vote for her because she is the most qualified person for the job. She has tons of experience, she’s cool under fire (e.g. her Benghaaaaazi testimony) and she has great ability. My only reservation about her is her readiness to use military force, but that is outweighed by her pluses, especially when you consider Trump. I’m hoping when she actually has the power to order deployment she’ll think a second,third, and even fourth time about risking the lives of other peoples’ children, husbands, wives, and parents without absolutely compelling cause.


Much of why a wisened electorate will pull the lever for another policy wonk this go-round–
Madam President Clinton.


The relevance of this to the Nader effect in Florida? Zero. If Gore had carried all 50 states, Nader wouldn’t have mattered. If the clouds had parted and ther face of God had appeared commanding Americans to vote for Gore, Nader wouldn’t have mattered. And so on. None of those fantasies matter: what matters is that Nader’s candidacy elected Bush. As Dr Johnson famously used to say, And there’s an end on’t!


That is a club with a very, very, very large membership these days.


This is a fallacy. Even if an event has 100 separate causes, each cause is still a cause. You cannot negate one of the causes by exclaiming “but what about the other 99!!”

In other words, had Nader withdrawn from the 2000 race and thrown his support to Gore, it is a certainty that Florida would have gone to Gore. Any other issues with Gore’s campaign, his association with Bill Clinton, etc. are irrelevant.

George W. Bush	    2,912,790
Albert Gore Jr.	    2,912,253
Ralph Nader            97,488



Apparently not :smile:

I suspect that the response to his endorsement from his most ardent supporters:

So true… Bernie’s positions are the same as Hillary’s positions. The only difference is that Bernie attaches a “FREE” in front of almost all of them.


Bill Clinton’s poll numbers were favorable when Al Gore was running. Though Gore attempted to put miles between himself and the president, Bill was always the ghost on the stage. If Gore had been smart, he would have had the president campaign for him in targeted areas where he was still quite popular. Had he done so, the election might not have been a squeaker decided by the SC.


Yes, he has so amply demonstrated his loyalty to the Party which allowed him to run as a Democrat and take advantage of that platform.


Which is a damn shame.
He was never going to be president, but he could have come out of this as a strong progressive voice in the Senate (as Senator Warren is, for example).
Hell, the Democrats could have ended up caucusing with him–instead of the other way around.
Instead, he’s going to return to his former role in the Senate: ignorable back-bencher.

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Sanders now appears to be working full time on suppressing the Democratic vote. With friends like these…

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