Discussion: Report: Trump Told Military 'I Want A Parade Like The One In France’

Dibs on the guillotine float. ( It slices, it dices, it juliennes… )


Cadet Bone Spurs acting like an African “strong” man. Utterly disgusting.

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This looks like what Melania wore to the SOTU. She just cut off the gold trim? Maybe Trump wouldn’t pay for a new costume if she refused to put out for him any longer?

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That’s Trump alright.

Quasi-serious answer:

There have been a few military parades… this isn’t a comprehensive list, but here’s what I know & what I found after a few minutes of searching:

I remember a military parade in DC after Operation Desert Storm.

I also checked the National Archives website and found references to the military taking part in Teddy Roosevelt’s Inaugural Parade in 1905, and a “National Preparedness Parade” in 1916 before the US entered WWI. I didn’t spot any earlier than the Grand Armies Parade after the end of the Civil War, but there could be…

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That’s our boys. Let them plan this parade. I’m sure there would be more than a few surprises for Trump along the way.

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There are photographs (daguerreotypes) extant of American troops in local parades being sent off to the Mexican War in the mid 1840s.

Straight out of The Student Prince, they were.

Parade, hell. Mel Brooks deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom just for Blazing Saddles. After that, we can give him a parade.


Will he be allowed to watch this parade from his prison cell?


I am just being picky. F-51s do exist.

But F-52s do not. Unless their turn B-52s into Fighters. Which for some reason appeals to my sense of whimsy.

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French parades always have the certain edge that is just too subtle for senile conservatives minds to understand. I’m think the White House Easter Egg Roll could hold an all new meaning if it were Top 1% heads rolling down The Mall instead. There are parades and then there is The Resistance.

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How about having it when the all troops come back from the Middle East?
I love a charade.

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One unnamed military official said Trump’s “marching orders were: I want a parade like the one in France.”

It would appear we are entering the nursery rhyme phase of the Trump Presidency:

Our preznit has the mentality of a child.


Both First Ladies, Lady Iwanka of Washington and Lady Melaria of New York, have a healthy competition going to pick the tanks, bombs, artillery, nuclear warheads and missiles for the parade. They are ordering the military uniform, the trinkets, big buttons, flashy jewelry including medals and epaulets, from their dictatorship suppliers in China. They are also ordering shampoo and soap and finding hair and make up artists for their demented orange shithole dotard with unwashed hair, small hands, big button and ugly made-in-china ties.

Also, Iwank is making the best chocolate cake with her dainty little hands and fake fingernails and Melaria is going to smile. During the half time show, Cuck Kushner will do his top secret acrobatic act of self fellatio that Bannon was referring to. Don Jr. will wear plenty of hair gel, adopt Russian children and do a Beavis and Butthead impression. John Kelly, that incompetent lying sack of shit, is going to invite his white christian racist friends and family. Stormy Daniels and many other porn stars are going to arrive in golf carts and look classier than everyone else. Democrats are going to be under strict orders to clap.

The Mar-a-Lago members are going to get their moneys worth.

I should be an event planner.


Trump would probably be too busy internet dating cheerleaders on one of those Date An Inmate sites to care about a parade that he couldn’t be the honorary chairman and sit in the lead Ram Truck bed. Give a Gold Shower ticker tape parade in the warden’s bed instead.

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A very small local parade in New Hampshire heading for the Mexican War c 1846.


Russian fairy tale.

Oh, no. Please don’t tell me Trump is planning this to be a send off for our troops to North Korea. Do soldiers even march into a mushroom cloud? What is the modern protocol for such a thing?

If Kelly and Mad Dog are any indication to how far gone our military is getting, I don’t want to know what a military funeral would be like after a targeted nuclear attack.

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It is a Trump vanity project at tax payers expense.

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