Discussion: Report: Ivanka Trump Wrote Unused 'Clarification' On 'Rapist' Mexicans Comment

I don’t disagree with you but he has to be one of the fattest speed freaks ever!


Doing their bit.

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He’s a junk food junkie who doesn’t exercise and golf doesn’t count. He said he doesn’t sleep any more than four hours so you can imagine what goes into his ugly maw in the wee hours. He was probably the first on the block to try deep fried Hostess cupcakes.


That’s what I got from the article also. Ms. Krueger did her job.

I think too many of us forget that journalists ferret out and report the FACTS. Pundits draw conclusions (often erroneously) which the writer correctly didn’t do in a journalistic piece.

The reason Trump was able to get so far is that most journalists have forgotten their role of digging out facts so that WE can reach conclusions.


or “service to the United States” like the Romney sons called their campaigning.


In any other election year, the candidate being sued like this for such inflamentory comments would be front and center on every news station. Hell, even this year if Hillary were being sued like this, its all we would hear about.

You are normalizing Trump when you disregard that the daughter of a major party candidate is testifying that she attempted to spin such a comment he made.

And normalizing “Trumpism” is a very bad thing to do.


Since the supposed clarification was never seen, we don’t know if it would’ve made matters better or worse.

She could’ve just expounded on her father’s ideas and clarified that in fact, he just doesn’t like non-white people.


Watch TV and snack all day and all the speed in the world won’t help.


So what was the point of even writing this non-story which has no information in it???

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If anything this article shows that tRump, during the course of a deposition regarding this lawsuit, did not take any advice to clarify his remarks about Mexicans, even from his daughter, because he does not believe it needs clarification and stands on it own. He meant every fucking word he said…no wiggle room here.

Since this is a defamation lawsuit to allow this restauranteur out of a contract to do business with Dishonest Donnie, it can be shown that the defamation was actually intended, and not some honest mistake on his part by some inartful or clumsy language at the time. He was offered a way to clean up and correct his language within the campaign by his own inner circle…his daughter and he openly refused to do so by ignoring the suggestion. Therefore, the restaurant owner should be allowed to get out of his contract rather than be associated with a bigoted asshole that has no compunction to change his odious views, thereby affecting the prospects of his business.

That’s the whole point of the article. It puts tRump on the record that he had no intention to parse his words or retract his comments even when he had the chance, because he meant what he said. In other words, nothing was “mischaracterized” by what he said.


Since Ivanka has been reported to be just about the only person Donald seems to listen to at all, it is instructive that he doesn’t really listen to her either.


It’s so strange to have a candidate’s offspring managing the candidate…I keep thinking of other headlines, Julie Nixon Asks ‘Daddy’ To Wiretap Fabian!, or, Lynda Bird To Pen Next SOTU, that might have happened…


Trying to sympathize here. Imagine you are an intelligent young woman who has an asshat for a dad. You do what you can to rein him in, but he can’t help himself. He just has to be an asshat. Do you publicly denounce him? No.

Maybe–I hope–Ivanka is still trying to rein him in. Maybe she is really relieved that his poll numbers are so low. I would be.

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wtf? why is this a story? hey people who cannot tell news from stupid dog whistle shit that you are supposed to report. I said something really profound but you can’t read it. QUICK WRITE A STORY. In case you have not figured this out yet, Drumpf one and only game plan is to have you repeat his name over and over and over again until the election. STOP IT. If and when he releases his taxes, or provides ANY details on ANY legislation he supports or will fight for, then report it. But simply regurgitating the dumb shit he says makes you look like fools aka Trumps Chumps

Cheat. Retreat (but not really). Cheat again.

Rinse and Repeat…


After seeing the way DT was playing with her ass on the night she spoke at the Repulsive Convention, I doubt that they want her talking about rape.

He has already said he’d like to date her, with “date” being another word for “fuck her till her ears fell off.”

Here he is folks, Donald “the man with small appendages” Trump, “loving” father

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thank you

The New York businessman’s remarks that Mexican immigrants were
“bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists” in his June
2015 campaign launch were "mischaracterized as being a categorical
attack on Hispanics,” Trump reportedly said in the deposition.

But she didn’t characterize her dad’s comments as sarcasm? Well then that’s an improvement I guess.
The use of “they’re” in Trump senior’s comment reads to me (and did at the time) as inclusive of Hispanics of the Mexican persuasion. I found it offensive then and still do now. And it would be appreciated by many of my buddies if Donnie would make a journey to Tucson and apologize in person. Of course he won’t because we don’t understand his version of sarcasm.
Around here there’s a descriptive term applied to people like trump who insult folk for no cause. They’re called a pinche cabron.



One year ago, Donald John Trump got into the presidential race by strolling down a gold escalator, walking up to a podium and after getting his thoughts together, came up with this statement (the following paragraph is relevant to the Kruger story).

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Ivanka knew that her father’s speech was going to lead to some long extended grief and she attempted humanize that part of the speech. Out of all three of the older Trump children, Ivanka is supposedly the normal one and she was attempting to help her father partially demonize Mexican migrants.

Now if either one of you can give up one previous presidential candidate (or their family member) who would demonize an entire country for supposedly destroying his country’s economy and morality, the floor is officially yours.


Mark Twain complained about the low quality of our billionaire class, but understood the fascination: e.g.

“The multimillionaire disciples of Jay Gould — that man who in his brief life rotted the commercial morals of this nation and left them stinking when he died — have quite completely transformed our people from a nation with pretty high and respectable ideals to just the opposite of that; that our people have no ideals now that are worthy of consideration; that our Christianity which we have always been so proud of — not to say vain of — is now nothing but a shell, a sham, a hypocrisy; that we have lost our ancient sympathy with oppressed peoples struggling for life and liberty; that when we are not coldly indifferent to such things we sneer at them, and that the sneer is about the only expression the newspapers and the nation deal in with regard to such things.”

So I’m warming to Trump’s whinging that our plutocrats are basically selfish bastards engaged in occasional image polishing, from the e-commerce robber barons to straight-ahead resource thieves, who see average folks as suckers. This was the Neo-Gilded Age narrative of Occupy, but Trump, who sees himself as a player, brings so much more to the brand.

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