Discussion: Pruitt Is Reportedly Starting An EPA Initiative To Challenge Climate Science


In other news, the NIH will be submitting letters to the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine stating vaccines cause autism.


A peer review of CO2 from the petroleum industry.


So Team Science vs. Team Hacks in the Pockets of Industry.

“What the American people deserve, I think, is a true, legitimate, peer-reviewed, objective, transparent discussion about CO2,” he said.

So… what we’ve already got through years (if not decades) of diligent scientific research. Yeah – let’s throw that away and start from scratch with a finger on the scale. GREAT idea!


On the plus side, maybe Trump will just annihilate us all by using nuclear weapons to prove his manhood, and then we won’t have to worry about a slow death from climate change?


At what point does a government official become subject to a charge of Willful Negligence?

If this involved a worker safety issue the fines would be mounting daily while it remained unaddressed and a criminal case referred to the DOJ.


The irony is, most of us would die from the resultant nuclear winter. Or, in other words, man-made climate change.


Hummm…very circle jerky. Maybe Scott will self-asphyxiate?


Pruitt is a liar and a Trump sycophant. You can’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth.


This is for domestic consumption. Pruitt has no control over the IPCC. Research will continue and science will go on with the United States the big loser.


Will Mr. Pruitt have to show that he is capable of understanding scientific methods and research before he commits the EPA’s limited funding for this exercise in futility?


We cannot be rid of these evil entities fast enough. :rage:


Answer: no. He wouldn’t understand peer review if it was coming out of his *sshole. And even if he DID understand it, it wouldn’t matter. NO ONE takes him seriously.

For all intents and purposes, the EPA no longer exists. As it stands right now, it’s just a Federal agency that promotes big business in the fields of energy and agriculture.


I think a similar debate should delve into the alleged existence of gravity. Just sayin’. Anything that would make climbing stirs easier I’m all for.


Keep it up, boys. Just leave the real science, the real research, the real leadership of the world to other countries.


Sounds like they are fishing for a forum to make it easier to lie. The finger is already on the scale by giving each “side” equal footing. Even agreeing to this forum is ceding ground to lies.

There are facts that are explained by data or not. There are not sides.


Yes. Ex Gov. Goodhair was pushing the both sides buttons at DOE the other day


Well then there’s the Republican’s cost reductions right there, roll the EPA, Energy, and Ag departments in to one cabinet position and do away with two Secretaries and their unders for a cost savings.


The EPA as we know it is basically dead for the next 3.5 years. Just going to be a shit show until we get real leadership. I hope Pruitt gets indicted for crimes against humanity at some point for such grossly negligent behavior.


Gee, if only we had an objective, peer-reviewed, transparent discussion about global warming.

Maybe from The American Association for the Advancement of Science, The American Academy of Pediatrics, The American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, The American Astronomical Society, The American Chemical Society, The American College of Preventive Medicine, The American Geophysical Union, The American Institute of Physics, The American Institute of Biological Sciences, The American Medical Association, The American Meteorological Society, The American Physical Society, The American Public Health Association, The American Quaternary Association, The American Society of Agronomy, The American Society for Microbiology, The American Statistical Association, The Crop Science Society of America, The Geological Society of America, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, The International Arctic Science Committee, The International Association for Great Lakes Research, The International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences, The International Union for Quaternary Research, The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, The International Wildlife Society, The Society of American Foresters, The Soil Science Society of America, The Union of Concerned Scientists, The US National Academy of Sciences, The US National Research Council, The World Federation of Engineering Organizations, The World Federation of Public Health Associations, The World Health Organization, The World Meteorological Organization, 34 national science academies, and 98% of all scientists surveyed.

Something like that.

Of course, that’s all pooh-poohed by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, The Koch Brothers, and Scott Pruitt’s Sunday School teacher.

So it’s a tough call.

I can see why people might be torn.

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