Discussion: NY Times Publishes Old Trump Interviews: ‘Most People Aren’t Worthy Of Respect’

Well, Fred’s middle name was “Christ,” after all. Also, a reminder that some of the gene pool was quality: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_G._Trump


List of people tRump has shown respect for:
Kim Jong-Un
Saddam Hussein


Any poker players out there have a sense for the tells when Trump is lying?

Or, more likely, he came in wanting to be a Trump poll watcher, showed she me fake trump web page documents proclaiming him a poll watcher and because Austin is known for being a hotbed of Democrats, decided that would be where all the “election rigging” would be going on.
Didn’t think of that, did you?

Exactly. The drip-drip is so much more effective than dumping everything at once. Conway et al. would just wait for the smoke to clear and then go back to message. This method keeps them off balance, always responding to new revelations about the lowness of The Donald Drumpf. It’s almost as if someone is watching the news cycle and as soon as the last revelation seems to be losing its legs, BOOM, another one comes out. And here I sit, munching my popcorn because today:


“…Do you have apples in that basket?”
“Yes, he replied and from that day forth we remained the very closest of friends”


Seriously? When he is talking.

He lies with every word.


When he speaks or tweets.

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Exactly. He has no concept of public service or philanthropy.

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What con man does? And that is really what he is. His empire is built on nothingness - his noise mostly.

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I would doubt that he is even around in 2020, given his poor health habits and the amount of stress all the post-election litigation will bring. The evil spawn, on the other hand, may still be around, but we’ll deal with them if and when they run for office.



The Trump U case is a civil class action – not a criminal case.

I was trying to be nice to Mother Nature, but if it full on warfare then let’s go napalm, skipping right over agent orange.

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Nah, what he means is he’s afraid of analyzing how much money he really has and whether Mark Cuban having more makes him a ‘loser’.

You never know, I hear Bill Clinton can be might persuasive when you’ve been nursing a grudge and snorting coke off underage eastern European “models” :laughing:

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“No, I don’t want to think about it,” Trump said when asked if he contemplated the meaning of his life. “I don’t like to analyze myself because I might not like what I see.”

Call me soft-hearted, but I feel a twinge of pity here. I can’t imagine living in such fear of myself for seventy years.


Nor can I. I would bet that he doesn’t spend much time by himself, that being so. But I don’t feel so much pity as fear of someone who actually recognizes that much about himself and doesn’t want to go further. He must know he’s a kind of monster - that’s not sad it’s scary to me. But then, I’m a woman and we have this thing about being groped - we don’t usually feel sorry for the groper and that carries over for me to a groper who never touched me but of such incredible scale. He apparently thinks he was never called it before. And I don’t believe that, I believe plenty of women called him on it and he decided they were saying “no no” but really meant “yes yes.” Because that’s how the lechers and gropers and so forth think. And yes I know it’s not sexual. That makes it all a thousand times worse.

He needs help and he won’t ever get it.


Chiselin’ Trump is the original Kardashian.

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Headline says “old” interviews; they’re only two years old – just give the year and let readers judge the timeliness

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Donald is banking on that stupidity.

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