Discussion: Medicaid Directors From Red And Blue States Reject Graham-Cassidy Repeal

For several months it has become more and more clear that the GOP - with or without Trump - is amidst a long cruel dance of Hari Kari - they will inflict pain, damage and death - but will ultimately wreak the ultimate downfall of their party, and probably do more in the long run to secularize a sizeable chunk of the current ‘white evangelical’ block of voters. Not in a month or year, but overtime. As you say - they aren’t even hiding who they are and what they want anymore - and when seen with clear eyes - the emGOPorer is hideous without his clothes/mask.


Yes, I have posted this before – but I think it is important to make some noise…

Senators Collins, Capito, murkaski, call them leave a message – 202-224-6472, 202-224-6665, 202-224-2523… for each you will be able to leave a voice message… if you have the time - call. If you know of any others on the fence – call them as well – tell them to vote NO!


Which leads to my previously-stated campaign slogan for the Democratic party, should this bill pass - one that even the most ignorant voter will understand:

Hell, no, we ain’t fergettin’!!!


Seems the Republican leadership has adopted the governance model of Trump, i.e. govern via chaos. Disgusting!


Medicaid Directors From Red And Blue States Reject Graham-Cassidy Repeal

Grassley: But we must keep our word to the minority who voted for us. Judge Gorsuch says so.
Trump: This is good news. If Medicaid people hate us, I am fully onboard.


I agree with everything you said, but I have an equal share of anger towards moderates in our party. I remember for decades being told that the hippies needed to be kept away from power because WE JUST DIDN’T GET IT. Meanwhile how many Dems voted for Iraq, trickle down and bank deregulation?

We got it…do they finally get it now? These people are evil.

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Let’s make one part of this perfectly clear, despite the Rs attempt to muddy the waters and the media and most experts ignoring the obvious:

The reporting is the “red” states like Texas that didn’t expand Medicaid will get more, while “blue” states like New York will get a lot less. That’s true in one respect on how things are NOW.

But the REAL comparison is where states COULD be based on Obamacare if those “red” states expanded Medicaid under the current law. If they did, they would get much more money than under this BS GOP-only plan. This is because that money is just sitting out there but they refused it, and the BS GOP-only plan takes subsidies away from individuals and gives them to the state governments to dole out as they see fit, probably to their friends an donors in a position to take advantage of the new money with few, if any, strings attached.

This is possibly the most evil thing the Congress and President have ever done. It’s worse than Southern succession because at least they were open about it in the antebellum South. This action by Congress is enough for blue states to seriously consider suing for separation, since this R-controlled Congress and President are just stealing from states that oppose them and giving to states that support them.


You know why: Dems can’t market themelves out of a goddamn paper bag. You hand them a plate with a fully cooked meal, give them utensils and they stare blankly at you: “What do I do now?”


And the tiny-brained ones can be convinced it’s all Obama’s fault. Hilary’s emails, too.


Republicans are so worthless. They do not know how to fix anything. They’re real good at breaking stuff though. I bet Russia love them they think very highly


This is most likely true, ultimately all they really want to do is hurt liberals and are willing suffer a lot of collateral damage on their own side to do it.

This is really the only way to understand these people. Many Democrats can’t wrap their heads around this…I hear so many comments here of the “I’m shocked there’s gambling in the back of Rick’s” vareity. Please drop the naivete Dems.

The problem is when Dems take power they’re hell bent on being seen as the adults in the room, which I believe I can say with some confidence, doesn’t really work anymore. The Democrats are Charlie Brown, the GOP is Lucy, and Dems never get it that Lucy is going to pull the ball away just as soon as you try to kick it.


The left-purists are screaming because there’s meat on the plate, the centrists are telling them that if their first bite is anything but meat they’ll never win another election again, and the republican concern trolls have just accidentally emptied a bottle of hot sauce.

But democrats’ fundamental problem is that we’re too solidly bound to reality.


This is hand grenades … keep throwing them until one hits. This has all the earmarks of desperation … I never buy anything from desperate people. Talk about terrorism this is terrorizing the whole country.

One Nation Under Stress pass the Xanax please …



I had Gov. Bayh, later Senator Bayh, whom I was happy to say Buhbye to, except that brought back Sen Coats (now Trump Today DIA), and this fall had to vote for a far right wing nut - or Bayh - who along with Lieberman, helped break the resistance to the Iraq war vote (which my other Senator - now since had his name turned into a verb for being primaried - was a part of), by appearing with Lieberman and Bush in the Rose Garden speech - which collapsed the resistance within 24-36 hours. And as Senator he sat on the Banking committee and was a hold out against reforms of the Sarbanes Oxley bill after the corporate implosions of Enron and Worldcom. The provision he held out on? Reinstalling the so-called ‘Chinese Wall’ between investment banking operations and commercial banking operations. And thus it was excluded. And,well, … Financial Meltdown about 3 years later? I am still angry with him.

So this fall, I held my nose and voted for him hoping to regain senate control. Odd Results. He had once been quite popular in Indiana - both sides of the aisles. Now, not so much enthusiasm for his brand. So maybe even in this red state that does elect statewide democrats (from time to time), the favoring of the moderates is waning.


They want to kill Medicaid anyway…this just will fuel that desire.

They have promises to keep and coffers to fill. That’s the reason for this sudden return to madness, one more time! And in the process they manage to scare the shit out of everyone.

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Sadly on point. I still get a lot of pushback on this…on this very board I got into an argument with a moderate Democrat who wasn’t convinced that American banks did anything wrong in Great Recession of 2008.

Too many in the party are trying to dismiss us as ‘purists’ or whatever, they want to maintain the idea that the party should lead with social issues and maintain the center-right coalition with the GOP on all things economic.

PS: Just because we don’t trust Kamala Harris doesn’t make us Bernie bros or racists, it makes us people who wonder why she didn’t prosecute Mnuchin while there was overwhelming evidence he broke the law in racking up foreclosures. We wonder why he contributed to her campaign.

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It is pretty clear that since the Alaska Purchase rumors came out, Graham Cassidy advocates are on the defensive and the opponents of repeal have gotten louder and more pointed. I had O-Care repeal at 35% yesterday, down from 50% on Monday. I think I’m gonna inch my meter down a few points to 33%.

One telling sign to me is Rand Paul’s tweet this morning embracing Roy Moore for opposing Graham-Cassidy as a fake repeal. Paul is doubling down on the notion that this bill has no juice and he will not pay any political or ideological price for opposing it. Normally, such a statement would kill the bill, but these are not normal times.

There are a few reasons why repeal is not dead until it’s dead.

  1. GOP members’ positions are so unpopular that only oligarch money can save them in next year’s election (and that’s who Koch/Mercer/Adelson et al are…America’s oligarchs). So there is a great pressure to double down. Hence, you have Dean Heller who got blasted by his own governor and has not yet moved his position. It makes perfect sense for Heller to oppose the bill, but he has made so many missteps that his only shot to stay in power is with super pac money.

  2. 2016 experience. We lost an election by blowing a lead marked by coalition fractures due to simple media manipulation, while the GOP was able to rally its base behind a candidate and party with a lot of baggage. That experience, plus the 2018 map, give the GOP confidence to double down and stay in the game, relying on the dark arts of politics to see them through.

I am optimistic about killing this bill because I think we have the opposition volume at the right level, and we’ve got more potential defectors on this bill than we did with the Skinny. That said, the GOP seems to have this fear that doing nothing will somehow cost them more than doing something that’s terrible. That’s why we need to double and triple down on the calls to Congress.


Substance doesn’t matter to most GOP senators. The truth is irrelevant. All these sociopaths are interested in is destroying the legacy of President Obama and harming Americans who aren’t rich.

The entire Republican Party is an existential threat to our nation.


And wasn’t it Sen Bayh’s wife Susan, sitting on 2-3 dozen corporate boards, making a million bucks. I’m sure dad did his best bringing up Jr. but hey, why do things the hard way. So much promise.

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