Discussion: Medicaid Directors From Red And Blue States Reject Graham-Cassidy Repeal


52 Healthcare.gov(s) can’t be built cheap and overnight. In MA it took 4 years and CA had the best tech help in their state. Poor WA relied on Oracle and look what happened to them.


Medicaid Directors don’t mean squat to Republican Senators who are taking their marching orders from a couple of octogenarian Kansas billionaires whose hatred of Medicaid and Medicare is surpassed only by their hatred of taxes.

What I don’t understand is why more prominent Dems aren’t hammering the point that millions of middle-class Americans—many of them white Trump voters—are kept from bankruptcy by virtue of Medicaid picking up the tab for Grandma’s residence in the nursing home.


They want to kill Medicaid anyway…this just will fuel that desire.


Just more “Know-nothing” Jimmy Kimmel’s…



Anyone who votes for this bill is simply a sociopath. And shame on those directors unwilling to put their name on the letter even though they agree with it. People will die and you’re worried about your bullshit job.


McConnell’s Titanic is aiming specifically and knowingly for the iceberg.

And he doesn’t care, 'cause the money guys are holding a gun to his head. Plus he hates the black dude.


Wow! You really nailed it, bluestatedon.


Beat me to it. A tough spot is when a loved one needs live saving medical care and you’re struggling to pay the rent.


Hillbillies are going to have to suffer before their tiny brains understand. Dumbest white people on the planet.


It’s not just grandmas. Plenty of folks who got injured or sick in their younger years,became permanently disabled,need constant care and had no insurance are in Medicaid funded facilities.


But what can you do. ‘Repeal and replace’ was such a catchy campaign slogan. People loved it. So we gotta deliver! Don’t blame us!


As one whose Mom’s 5 1/2 year stint in a nursing home with dementia, me and my siblings would have bankrupted our own retirements had there been no Medicaid for her. Further, she worked her entire life, as a widow with 4 children, retired from a textile factory in this Southern red state with only Social Security as her only financial resource.

The manufacturing plant had relocated South from the Northeast in the 50’s specifically because of cheap labor and no requirement to provide a pension plan to its employees. They were entirely dependent on the largess of the state.


And a reminder that the time a state went full bore catering to the will of the Koch Brothers… is in a world of hurt, embraced the announcement of the gov to take an ambassadorship for ‘religious freedom’ (whatever that is)… and well… the Senators are fools not to take a little heed.

For anyone who missed this article - its a bit long - but exceptional.



Ooops, for the grammar mistake. Shud be “I and my siblings”

Unfortunately, other people who didn’t ask for any of this will suffer, too.


And each senator who put their name on this bill - if it passes, it will be their legacy. What lasting impact they leave in their wake won’t be remembered for giving the president a win, nor for opening the koch brother’s pocketbooks to the GOP again, it will be the human toll taken, the resulting bankruptcies, and the for a couple of the cosponsors the ultimate violation of the Hippocratic Oath they took as new mds.


We know this…this isn’t happening because people don’t know what’s what, even Joe Scarborough says trickle down doesn’t work.

Don’t you get that everyone is out in the open now? The white supremacists, the financial elites…you can’t educate people and expect that to solve the problem. It’s beyond that now.


We knew that already, but you can’t save people who don’t want to be saved.


Whaaat?! Don’t they know that state-level is where all the magic happens? They’re like entrepreneurs of the government world and can do all kinds of amazing things if only the Feds unshackle them from their useless redtape and corrupt shenanigans. All we need to do is let governors use their innate ability to solve everything to solve everything and we’ll have everything solved. What could be simpler than that?

This has to be fake news. Conservatives have built an entire religion based on the idea that states are better at solving every problem unless they’re run by Democrats. Why, if we’re to imagine that states can’t perform impossible feats of magic using less money to cover more people, it’d mean that this entire bill was a fraud that only makes everything worse including for the morons passing it. Now let’s stop talking about this and focus on important things, like Crooked Hillary’s emails and why liberals hate America so much.

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