Discussion: Kavanaugh Accuser Comes Forward: 'I Thought He Might Inadvertently Kill Me'

Not just women. In addition to gambling it also seems there are skeletons WRT alcohol abuse (the boy who participated in the alleged assault wrote a book on his own alcoholism and that of some close friends including “O’Kavenaug.”

Political operators trying to play choir boy tend to run into problems like this.


Disgusting or reprehensible?


I wonder if Kavanaugh’s little girls are asking, “daddy, what is sexual assault?”, on this Sunday afternoon.


…second male student in the room besides Kavanaugh, Mark Judge

Really, the other guy’s name is Judge? Rather interesting.


‘I Thought He Might Inadvertently Kill Me’

I wouldn’t rule this out just yet. Could still happen…


What we need to do is change the system so a scumbag can not lie his way onto the bench for a lifetime of scamming this country.


Two words: Al Franken!


You’ve encapsulated this well. Will it move Murkowski and Collins to vote “no”? Will Kavanaugh be recalled for additional questions under oath? Feels like Clarence Thomas deja vu, but worse. I think the RePugs knew about Kavanaugh’s murky past and did not investigate and frankly didn’t give a shit.

RePugs, why don’t you pick another shinning piece of work after the Nov. elections. Let’s see how that works out…



That seems to describe this entire nomination process. It should stop until after the elections. No using government processes to bias the vote.

Mueller has to go dark, so should nominations.


Yup. And let’s not forget that they shut down the Thomas hearing so fast that they couldn’t find the time to hear from the other women who came forward after Anita Hill came forward.

plus ça change…


So now we know how that letter from all those women testifying to Kavenaugh’s “integrity” was so quickly released. Have to admit to having been stumped on that one. But with hindsight, why is all this so surprising?

There was a time, and not so long ago, when true integrity reigned over the congress, when both parties truly did put country ahead of ideological purity. The obvious conclusion from this one particular episode cannot be ignored: the Republican party, with its hideous goal of dominating the courts with Federalist Society goons, has become an existential danger to our republic.

It will be very interesting to see how they try to wiggle their way out of this one. Ms. Ford is to be applauded for her courage to stand up and fight the good fight.


Well, well, it turns out Brett not only looks rapey, he is rapey. And a Republican, of course. Such shitty humans, shitty humans everywhere. And soon to join his shitty Republican appointed buddies on the Supreme Court of the United States. This must end.


So when will reporters be camped out on Leo Leonard’s doorstep to question him about his vetting process?


GOP questions for Ms Ford:

How much did you have to drink?
How may sex acts did you commit before this incident?
How many sex acts did you have after this incident?
Were you using birth control (implied consent)?
Wasn’t being pawed at and violated arousing?
Weren’t you a “townie?” Debutantes didn’t do this kind of thing. Okay, they did, but they have megabuck Daddies.
Did you have a tattoo? Only sluts did 30 years ago.
Wasn’t your nickname Blow Job Blasey?


Agreed wholeheartedly!!!

Same thing needed to prevent crooked people from becoming an illegitimate potus, soley based on Electoral College,


This might be the most important fact in the whole story. I really hope that someone can provide proof that the R’s knew abut this or something very much like this and tried to bury it–from the Judiciary Committee, the public, and the FBI. Otherwise, we are probably looking at Anita Hill redux, another bad SCOTUS appointment, and years of bad blood.


Companion piece here (Petri ftw):


Yeah, I’ve got other things to do too, I sympathize! But a few words here. I think the RePugs will try to amplify the Feinstein angle, well, the Dems too for that matter. But it is the timing, by god, I wish she put this out there earlier, you know the RePugs would not. I don’t think she is protecting Special K., but she has protected him by blasting this out so late in the game. It is unfortunate. Maybe things can still be done, turn a few senate votes, maybe Special K. will withdraw (not probable, but possible), but I hope this voltage on this goes Full Clarence Thomas, cause it aint’ over, till its over.


Well, the story now has enough credibility to warrant an investigation by the Senate. Also, I’m pretty sure that both Murkowski and Collins already believe that this story is true. Other Republicans might also believe it, but I doubt they care. In any case, it looks reasonably certain at this point that this story will at least delay the vote on Kavanaugh and it’s also quite possible that the nomination is already scuttled. We can only hope.

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