Discussion: Kasich Calls Trump Presser 'Terrible,' But 'He's Our President, OK?' (VIDEO)


The problem for Republicans is that they feel that even if Trump is an idiot, the sentiments that Trump has been playing to, white supremacy, xenophobia, homophobia, economic protectionism are real and have widespread acceptance among republican voters.


Kasich is a Governor. He’s not in Congress. He can’t do anything but yap.

Actually, he’s using the second person voice. Just a minor quibble, I admit.

1st: I, we, us.
2nd: you
3rd: he, she, it, they, him, her, them, etc.

Even in the modern Republican party, it’s rare that you find someone with that much moral cowardliness.


he’s America’s racist Republican president, and Mitch is America’s racist Republican Senate Majority Leader (who happens to not care about russians assisting tRUmp to the WHITE house), and the entirety of the republican party can be labeled racist quite simply through their support and refusal to condemn

and I do turn my back on him

I was thinking this morning that the 8 years of Obama must have been insanely aggravating for these a-holes

saw Steve Schmidt on Maddow last night, miss the days that policy differences could be logically discussed without raw emotion clouding the discussion

But He’s our President, OK?

Why no. No it’s not. He is the leader of YOUR party. He’s ostensibly the president

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Just curious, Kasich… exactly what does Trump’s nutsack taste like?

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Thank you for that. Good grammar can be my friend if I let it. :sweat_smile:

Self identified Rethugs (and I think that’s the key) look at kasich and get the same sense of nausea they got in '16. He only barely carried his home State of OH in the primary.

He wants to try to corner the Indies and perhaps some Dems that might come around to his “common sense” way of thinking. /s


I agree we can’t turn our back on him for a second. Not turning your back does not equal having his back. But this part:

He concluded: “President Trump needs to listen to the people before he takes this presidency in a place that is not acceptable for our country.”

Come the f*** on!

NO! Not Okay!!

‘Well, Matt, look, he’s our President, OK?”

Um, not really. Most of the American people didn’t vote for him. He just beat YOUR sorry ass, that’s all.

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Hey Hitler’s presser was terrible, but he’s our Chancellor. Kasich is now a Nazi apologist.


John- you said , " …before he takes this presidency in a place that is not acceptable for our country". Too late. He already has. His remarks about the violence at Charlottesville were incredibly ignorant and abrasive. His attack on voting rights with his fake Commission, his attack on affirmative action, his refusal to call out Putin for his interference in the 2016 election, are but a few examples of his taking the Presidency to a place that is not acceptable to our country. The infant in the White House is unwilling to take on the hatred,the bigotry, the murder of millions by the Nazi regime, or the slaughter of untold number of African Americans by the KKK, because he wants their support and adulation. David Duke and Richard Spencer are sending him fucking love letters for his remarks.

Until now, I thought maybe you had the integrity,the backbone to say, "That was the final straw Mr.Trump. You have now taken this country to a place that is completely unacceptable. I can no longer support you. "

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“But her emails!”
Right, Kasich?

And that Presidential Pivot is a-comin’, folks!


Kasich: “He is our President, but I want to say that he needs to correct what he has said.”

It’s not just what he said, John. It’s who he is and what he believes and what he wants to do. And that’s not gonna change.


Nope. He did a 360. Still going in the same direction.


Exactly what I was going to say. Not sure what it feels like to not have a spine…and those Jews in the cabinet and his administration are now to be referred to as Kapos…may they live in shame.

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